review conference是什么意思 review conference在线中文翻译

review conference

review conference 双语例句

  1. Since signing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1992, China has increasingly cooperated with non-proliferation efforts among the five recognised nuclear powers but despite the treaty`s joint commitment to disarmament, China is gradually upgrading its missiles and has been wary of signs that debate at the review conference underway in New York might turn on them.
  2. I`d like to review some of the things we spoke about atthe conference.
  3. Klabin, Brazil's biggest producer, exporter and recycler of paper, revealed its expectations for the coming year during a press conference, and also presented a review of the year 2009, during which it completed 110 years of activities.
  4. A review conference of the full ICC Assembly will convene in 2010 to consider this and other amendments.
  5. Requests the Secretary-General to prepare a draft provisional agenda and draft rules of procedure for the review conference, and to circulate them at the same time as the provisional agenda, proposed by the fourth round of informal consultations of States parties to the Agreement, for the fifth round of informal consultations, sixty days in advance of these consultations
  6. Based on OSHA's experience, the Administrative Conference of the United States recommends that members of technical or peer review advisory committees should be selected.
  7. A review of 9 new agrochemicals disclosed from BCPC conference in 2007, in which there are 4 with fungicidal activity, 5 with insecticidal/acaricidal activity.
  8. As a result of such review, the Ministerial Conference may amend the provisions of the agreement.
  9. The results showed that the group receiving coded corrective feedback from the teacher followed by the student-teacher conference only and the group receiving coded corrective feedback from the teacher followed by the peer-peer interaction and student-teacher conference outperformed the group receiving written correction from the teacher and the group receiving no feedback in terms of verb and noun endings in their post-review writings.
  10. Among them, establish a concrete manifestation of the other measures in the right to judicial review of the judges, expanding the right to counsel and pre-trial evidence in three conference system.
  11. At a review conference next year, some will press for this charge to be added to the court`s detailed sheet of punishable crimes.
  12. An Overview of Accounting Research and Its Development Trends & A Review of 2002 Annual Conference of Chinese Accounting Professors Association
  13. Review of the first conference on the development and strategy of agricultural pesticide chemistry
  14. The Ministerial Conference, on the basis of the annual review, may extend, modify or terminate the waiver.
  15. The two-week First Session of the Preparatory Committee for the2010 NPT Review Conference opened in Geneva on Monday.
  16. Firstly, the author introduces the Functional Equivalence theory generally and makes a review of the scholars'research on the theory in China and abroad and previous study on press conference interpretation with functional equivalence.
  17. Conference Contents: To review the recent advances in chemistry, pharmacology, clinic and production of ginseng, and to propagandize the main achievement of ginseng's research in China.
  18. Final Declaration of the Second Review Conference on the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction
  19. To solidify our robust and complete education system, we unify the resources of industry and school, increase the standards of teaching quality, and review lectures of demonstration, by utilizing the multimedia application of modern technology and the conference of internet learning.
  20. In September, the United Nations General Assembly will hold the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples. This will review progress towards the fulfilment of indigenous peoples rights, and efforts to implement the 2007 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

review conference 单语例句

  1. China regrets that the protocol has not been reached as scheduled and that the Fifth Review Conference of the Convention has had to adjourn.
  2. The government has forwarded its recommendation to change the law to a constitutional review conference.
  3. He made the remarks at a press conference yesterday, organized to review the legal assistance given to women in need last year.
  4. At the 2005 review conference, the Bush administration fought to insert language against abortion in the final declaration.
  5. Huawei will soon hold a workers'conference to review the interim regulations, sources with the ACFTU said on Saturday.
  6. Huawei would soon hold a workers'conference to review the interim regulations, sources with the ACFTU said Saturday.
  7. The meeting featured a review of progress since the last joint conference last August, a plan for the near future.
  8. A UN conference opens this week to review the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and explore ways to strengthen controls on the spread of nuclear materials.
  9. " The review went generally well in an atmosphere of dialogue and cooperation, " Jiang said at a regular press conference while responding to question on the subject.
  10. " We will start it after a thorough review, " Qu told a press conference before the National Bureau of Corruption Prevention was unveiled.

review conference

un. 审查会议
[网络] 审议会议;召开审议大会;召开的检讨会议
review conference


rally: 指大规模的群众性政治集会。
congress: 指国会、议会、代表大会等机构,尤指经选举产生的国家立法机构的大会或由这些机构召开的大会,也可指专业人员代表大会。
session: 一般指议会等召开的正式会议。
assembly: 多指一个通常有许多人参加、计划好的,为某一特殊目的而召集的会议。
meeting: 普通用词,词义广泛。指一般性的会议,可用于任何场合。
gathering: 指两人以上的聚会或集会,强调非正式性。
convention: 侧重指某一政党或团体为某一特殊目的而召开的会议;也可指学术团体的年会。
conference: 正式用词,一般指大型会议,如政府工作会议、国际学术交流会议、各国之间的协商、会谈等。
council: 在国际上多指由各国代表参加的政治会议,或常设的政治机构。在国内、地方上,此词多指常设的政务领导机构,如市政委员会等。

journal: 本义为“日报”,现在可指定期发生的周刊、月刊、季刊等或指学术团体出版的刊物、杂志或学报。
magazine: 指刊登各种文章、小说、诗歌、评议的杂志。
press: 系报刊总称,也指报界或报业。
periodical: 通常指除日报以外的定期出版刊物。
review: 多指登载评论性文章或讨论重大事件的文章的刊物。
newspaper: 一般指每日出版的报纸。
publication: 指出版物,发行物。