Gascony是什么意思 Gascony在线中文翻译

Gascony 英 [ˈɡæskəni] 美 [ˈɡæskəni]

Gascony 网络解释

  1. 加斯康尼
  2. 加斯科尼
  3. 卡斯肯尼
    ...Gary 加里 | Gascony 卡斯肯尼 | Gasherbrum 加歇布龙山...
  4. 加斯科尼-选自中世纪卷
    ...Gascony 加斯科尼 | Gascony 加斯科尼-选自中世纪卷 | Gastein 加施泰因...

Gascony 双语例句

  1. We welcome you to enjoy the peace of the heart of Gascony, the land of the art of good life and the French paradox.
    浴缸,电视,电话,厕所2 如果您指定日期并进行搜索查询,马上就会显示在这个期间各个宾馆的价格细目。
  2. A varietal brandy (spirit distilled from wine and then aged) which must be made in the Gascony region of France.
    白兰地的变异酒(从烈酒里蒸馏出来,并存储若干年)必须在法国Gascony 地区的
  3. For when their old conditions are maintained for them in other things and there is no disparity of customs, men live quietly - as it may be seen that Burgundy, Brittany, Gascony, and Normandy, which have been with France for so long a time, have done; and although there may be some disparity of language, nonetheless the customs are similar, and they can easily bear with one another.
    不管 何人征服了这儿的居民,如果想坚持下来,就必须考虑两点:一是要把原来的王族斩尽杀绝,还有一点是不要改变当地的法律及税收;这样,在很短的时间内,这块地方就会与古老的君主国融为一体了。
  4. When they are, it is easier to hold them, especially when they have not been accustomed to self-government; and to hold them securely it is enough to have destroyed the family of the prince who was ruling them; because the two peoples, preserving in other things the old conditions, and not being unlike in customs, will live quietly together, as one has seen in Brittany, Burgundy, Gascony, and Normandy, which have been bound to France for so long a time: and, although there may be some difference in language, nevertheless the customs are alike, and the people will easily be able to get on amongst themselves.
  5. A splendid wine made from two great varieties, and worthy of the proud, generous region which brought them together: Gascony.
  6. For this reason, since in Gascony and the regions of Albi and Toulouse and in other places the loathsome heresy of those whom some call the Cathars, others the Patarenes, others the Publicani, and others by different names, has grown so strong that they no longer practise their wickedness in secret, as others do, but proclaim their error publicly and draw the simple and weak to join them, we declare that they and their defenders and those who receive them are under anathema, and we forbid under pain of anathema that anyone should keep or support them in their houses or lands or should trade with them.
    出於这个原因,因为在Gascony和地区的阿尔比和图卢兹和在其他地方的讨厌异端的那些人所谓的 Cathars ,其他的 Patarenes ,其他的 Publicani ,以及其他不同的名称,增长如此强劲,他们没有不再奉行其邪恶的秘密,因为别人,而是公开宣布自己的错误并提请简单和薄弱加入他们,我们宣布,他们和他们的捍卫者和那些谁正在接受他们的诅咒,我们禁止痛下诅咒的任何人都应该保持或支持他们的房屋或土地或应在与他人进行交易。
  7. Gascony white wine which brings its freshness, liveliness, crisp flavours.

Gascony 单语例句

  1. Acquisitions in Gascony where the distinctive Armagnac grapes are grown, may well start soon.

Gascony ['^æskәni]

n a region of southwestern France