Dewey是什么意思 Dewey在线中文翻译

Dewey 英 [ˈdju(:)i] 美 [ˈdui, ˈdjui]

Dewey 词典解释

形容词杜威(姓氏; John, 1859-1952,美国哲学家、教育家; Melvil, 1851-1931,美国教育家)

Dewey 网络解释

  1. 杜威 堡壘
    ...Devin 戴文 濃密的灌木 | Dewey 杜威 堡壘 | Dexter 戴克斯特 禿頭的...
  2. 美国哲学家
    ...dewetting 外向湿润 | dewey 美国哲学家 | dewfall 降露...

Dewey 双语例句

  1. Base classroom on John Dewey and Foxfire philosophiles 5, which say education should reflect society.
  2. Second, Dewey answers the question of how art is generated by applying dyna...
  3. Dewey's the unity of knowledge and practice has many affection to China.
  4. If, we teachers have been Confucius, Comenius, John Dewey, and other educators Suhomlinski educational thought had nourished; are multiple intelligences, successful education, humanism, constructivism and other theories before baptism; was the pre-Qin myth, poetry, and Shu Ting, Rabindranath Tagore's poetry too invasive; was Ba Jin, Bing Xin, Yu, Wen-Zhe-Wen Wang Meng and other United States and ironing clothes off...... if you have been with a true, good and beautiful baptism off soul into the classroom, you will quote the classics, witty remarks, full of passion, to cope with.
  5. Dewey considers that truth is useful instrument, and it is always a hypothesis. If that is firmy established, people can eliminate dogma and method of authority decision.
  6. Dewey believed that both the natural sciences or ethics, is nothing more than materialistic person access to the tools.
  7. This thesis is intended to make primary practice and a research on how to implement Topic-Inquiry-Learning mode in the class teaching of biology in junior middle schools. From the visual angle of constructivism, on the basis of the theory of child development by J. Piaget, the theory of discovery learning by J. B. Bruner, the theory of active assignment byJ Dewey, the theory of successful intelligence and of reading by J. Sternberg, according to the requirements of the new biology course of junior middle school and the need of the inquiry learning in biology teaching, this research has been made a classified one on how to carry out Topic-Inquiry-Teaching mode and has put forward the learning strategy of cooperation and inquiry, the implementation strategy of the combination of modern information technology, learning notes, experiment and inquiry learning as well as the evaluation strategy of the teaching mode in inquiry learning, etc.
  8. And you figure it's a good time to start the damn Dewey decimal system.
  9. The classification of the books in library follows the Dewey Decimal System.
  10. I told him about the Dewey Decimal System for shelving books. He picked up the idea immediately.
  11. All librarians will be happy to help when you don't need it, but will vanish when you have a question about the Dewey Decimal system.
  12. Most research is now done online, so the old fashioned Dewey decimal system that we grew up with will be a thing of the past.
  13. I told him about the Dewey Decimal System for shelving books.
  14. Dewey D R Historical and current taxonomic perspectives of Agropyron Elymus and related genera Crop Science, 1983, null
  15. Therefore, interpreting Dewey`s views from the perspective of educational administration can, on one hand, make up for the inadequate research on Dewey, and on the other hand, enhance the research on educational administration.
  16. Mark poured himself a glass of water from an icy pitcher on the table, and replaced the pitcher back on top of the dewey ring, exactly where it had been.
    马克倒了他自己来自在桌子上的一个冰的投手一杯水,而且在 dewey 戒指的顶端上把投手替换回来,完全在哪里它有是。
  17. He wants to be Tom Dewey, and he will be.
  18. Dewey, I'm not paying your share of the rent, so...
  19. Dewey's philosophy of ethics, he is the most creative, one of the most dynamic part of.
    提要 :杜威的伦理学是他的哲学的最有创见、最具活力的部分之一。
  20. You could find Dewey's owner, okay?

Dewey 单语例句

  1. And the philosopher John Dewey was from Burlington and attended the University of Vermont.
  2. The visits of leading lights such as philosophers John Dewey and Bertrand Russell, and Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore became the most talked about cultural events of the time.
  3. The autopsy did not answer all the questions about the circumstances of Lauterbach's death, said county prosecutor Dewey Hudson.
  4. Dewey is considered the father of modern progressive education in the United States.

Dewey ['dju(:)i]

n. 杜威(男子名)
n. United States librarian who founded the decimal system of classification (1851-1931)
n. a United States naval officer remembered for his victory at Manila Bay in the Spanish-American War
n. United States pragmatic philosopher who advocated progressive education (1859-1952)