Bodhidharma是什么意思 Bodhidharma在线中文翻译


Bodhidharma 网络解释

  1. 达摩
    ...8:达摩(Bodhidharma)佛教英雄. 使茶叶加工小屋、茶铺、茶树园和警戒塔的建造费用减半;具有僧侣和警卫的作用;祝福警戒塔使其升级,祝福茶叶加工小屋使其增加产量;帮助打击入侵的敌人和随军出征;给他经过的住所的居民提供茶叶;...
  2. 菩提达摩
    ...佛陀最伟大的弟子之一菩提达摩(Bodhidharma)常常告诉他的门徒说:「每当你提到佛陀的名字,你就要立刻漱口,因为这个名字是危险的,它使你的口变得不纯. 」另外有一个佛教的和尚叫做布克由,他常常告诉他的门徒说:「当你们在静心的时候,...
  3. 达摩(磨)
    ...Bimbisara 频婆沙罗 | Bodhidharma 达摩(磨) | Bodhiruci 菩提流支 ||| 菩提留支 ||| 道希...
  4. 菩提达摩(印度僧人,中国佛教禅宗的始祖)
    ...bodgie || 无赖青年 | Bodhidharma || 菩提达摩(印度僧人,中国佛教禅宗的始祖) | bodhisat || 菩萨...

Bodhidharma 双语例句

  1. Bodhidharma, (6th century), semilegendary In- dian Buddhist monk, 28th in the line of transmission from the disciple Kasyapa (a student of the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism) and the founder of the Zen school of Buddhism.
    菩提达摩(约6世纪时人)是一个半传奇式的印度佛教僧人。他是佛弟子(亦即佛教创始人佛陀的学生)迦叶以下的第二十八祖,也是佛教禅宗(日本人称ZEN,中国人称 CHAN)的创宗人。
  2. Bodhidharma was, historically, a foreign monk active in China during the sixth century, that is, during the Six Dynasties period.
    1[1][1] 慧能弟子神会于天宝4年进入洛阳,大唱南宗宗旨,使得北禅渐衰,天宝8年又在洛阳荷泽寺定宗旨,指称南禅是顿教,北禅是渐教,南禅更盛。
  3. Release of modern Chinese Buddhist paintings, Kwun Yam is good at, Bodhidharma, Guan Gong, Zhong Kui, such as portraits of Buddhist figures, his use of special as carmine color painting of Zhong Kui is particularly vivid, not only with each other for the national museum collections, many more Political figures, the Huicun VIPs, is said to be linked to evil at home Nafu, at the office to avoid the small, gas Fu Zheng, Yang reputation
  4. Emperor Wu was the kind of person who wanted to be number one in everything. That was why when he met Patriarch Bodhidharma, he didn't seek Dharma from him.
  5. This picture shows Bodhidharma seated with his legs crossed on a grass mat.
  6. Bodhidharma`s method of practicing meditation is mainly reflected in the text Two Entries and Four Practices.
  7. To have knowledge of the thought of this text is significant, because we will be able to understand Bodhidharma`s method of meditation, Chinese Chan Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism.
  8. As legend has it, Zen's founder, an Indian missionary to China named Bodhidharma, worried that too much seated meditation would make monks flabby. So he taught the monks in Shaolin a set of 18 exercises codified as'Yi Jin Jing, 'or'Muscle Change Instruction, 'many of them based on animal movements.
  9. With respect to methodology, I draw on techniques of religious studies and art history to explore the position of the legend of Bodhidharma in Sung-Yuan Ch'an history, as well as the place of portraits of Bodhidharma in art history of the Sung-Yuan period.
    1[1][8] 雪庵,元僧,中峰大师的法孙,字玄晖,工诗书画,东京都静嘉堂藏有雪庵所画罗汉画册,中有一幅达摩图。1[1][9] 见北魏抚军府司马杨衒之撰《洛阳城内伽蓝记》卷1,永宁寺条。
  10. From then on, the Emperorignored Patriarch Bodhidharma. No matter what Dharma the Patriarchspoke, the Emperor refused to listen.
  11. From then on, the Emperor ignored Patriarch Bodhidharma. No matter what Dharma the Patriarch spoke, the Emperor refused to listen.
  12. Patriarch Bodhidharma thought for a while and said, Now you are kneeling here pleading with me to teach you the Dharma for escaping King Yama.
  13. Often attributed to Bodhidharma is the Bloodstream Sermon, which was actually composed quite some time after his apparent death.
  14. Club banner is the wind in the Liuzu, Bodhidharma, as the stone monument, inscribed with a Liuzu like, the other side of the coin engraved with the Bodhidharma like, this is the Yuan Dynasty inscriptions.
  15. One year, it snowed very heavily on Bear's Ear Mountain. Outside, the snow was deep. Patriarch Bodhidharma sat meditating and as Dharma Master Shen Guang knelt there, he became buried in snow up to his waist.
  16. Wind Club banner on the wall are two colored pattern: one is now six wind banner records the deeds of debate, a then record the story of Bodhidharma Dongdu.
  17. According to Jin Yong's records, the powers created by Bodhidharma, however Yi Jinjing, Xi Suijing it.
  18. Bodhidharma should not unknown Laoseng, Zhang Sanfeng of the five powers with no similar meeting should also slightly.
  19. Translation of the first to come here when China Eastern Jin Dynasty monk is the ancient Maya Indian Tan homes; Liu Song beginning of the first year of the Southern Dynasties (400), India Fanseng Gunabhadra also located in this Jietan, Li Dojo, Sengtu-law Shoujie; beam days the first year of Supervisor (502), India and Shangzhi drug Sanzo to this speech by the law, even the bodhi tree planted in the temple; General Liang 2008 (527), Bodhidharma with Buddha Shoes at Guangzhou, also in the Zen teaching doctrine; Chen for a year (557), the West Indies by people in the Baltic Tuo temple Translation 40; Tang Shenlong yuan (705), the Western Regions as monks thorn Di Sanzo this translation of Surangama Sutra, the melting of the country and has delegated pen.
  20. Haishangsilu and more on the characters, were mainly: cattle should be, Kangtai, Tan Maya homes, and that Bamo, arrested in the Rotorua, Bodhidharma, Chang Jun, Wang G, Yi Jing, Yang Tingbao wall, Azerbaijan Buwan-GE, Wu Bing Kam, such as a Panshi.

Bodhidharma 单语例句

  1. A prime example of this is the blanc de Chine standing figure of Bodhidharma, now in the collection of the Palace Museum in Beijing.
  2. One legend has it that Indian prince Bodhidharma converted to Buddhism and in the sixth century went to China to spread the word.
  3. Zen is a school of Mahayana Buddhism founded by the monk Bodhidharma from ancient India.
  4. The images of Guanyin comprise the vast majority of He's repertory, while those of Bodhidharma are relatively few.

Bodhidharma ['bәjdi'dʌrmә]
