Europe是什么意思 Europe在线中文翻译

Europe 英 [ˈjʊərəp] 美 [ˈjʊrəp]

Europe 词典解释


Europe 网络解释

  1. 欧罗巴洲
    ...欧洲是欧罗巴洲(Europe)的简称,位于东半球西北部,绝大多数是欧罗巴人种. 美洲的全称是阿美利加洲(America),现在来我国旅游的美洲客人,主要指北美的美国和加拿大人;他们的祖先多系欧洲移民,礼节礼貌和欧洲差不多,只是更开放一些,...
  2. ...6.5MM*4.5MM*10MM 带针湾公头 盒长108宽50高30带灯 重:209 G可选配线:美(USA)规线,英(UK)规线,欧(EUROPE)规线,澳(AUSTRALIA)规线,中(中国标准)规线. 注:请点击看大图. 库存状况: 有货...

Europe 双语例句

  1. Of all the knights of Europe, the Normans are the most renowned.
  2. Some of the Latin language people from Europe are an example.
  3. Europe to America: We Surrender!
  4. Originating in Europe, these lanterns were first carved from a turnip or rutabaga.
  5. Global cooperation, North America, Europe, Asia and other places where there are so many our cooperative companions. As long as you think of all the PLC products which we can help you find.
  6. Two subgenera and ca. 130 species: Asia, Australasia, Europe, Madagascar, North America; 90 species (50 endemic, one introduced) in China.
  7. The map does not show well the strong Caucasoid component in northern Africa, but it does show the unity of the other Caucasoids from Europe, and in West, South, and much of Central Asia.
  8. And even in a sunnier diplomatic climate Europe will be reluctant to do more in Iraq or Afghanistan.
  9. But they have not been caught up in the hero-worship seen in, say, parts of Europe.
  10. The head of the European Central Bank pledged on Sunday to do whatever it takes to restore confidence to rocky markets, as governments world-wide pour cash into banks and markets hit by the financial storm that has toppled banks in the United States and Europe.
  11. It's incredible to see an entire civilized nation like England to protect and justify a group of headless and drunk people who go all around Europe to provocate disorders for tens of years.
  12. She also pointed out that Europe had been the site of several terrorist outrages, citing Madrid and London.
  13. It is thehighest mountain pass in Europe.
  14. Hougomont, --this was a funereal spot, the beginning of the obstacle, the first resistance, which that great wood-cutter of Europe, called Napoleon, encountered at Waterloo, the first knot under the blows of his axe.
  15. CHAPTER II HOUGOMONT Chinese Hougomont, --this was a funereal spot, the beginning of the obstacle, the first resistance, which that great wood-cutter of Europe, called Napoleon, encountered at Waterloo, the first knot under the blows of his axe.
    二 乌 古蒙英文乌古蒙是一个伤心惨目的地方,是障碍的开始,是那名叫拿破仑的欧洲大樵夫在滑铁卢遇到的初次阻力,是巨斧痛劈声中最初碰到的盘根错节。
  16. Hougomont, --this was a funereal spot, the beginning of the obstacle, the first resistance, which that GRE at wood-cutter of Europe, called Napoleon, encountered at Waterloo, the first knot under the blows of his axe.
  17. He prepared one of the first plans for a common currency in Europe and is known as the father of the theory of optimum currency areas.
  18. For example, the firm has launched PC MMOs such as Archlord and RF Online, and operates The Lord Of The Rings Online in Europe.
  19. Europe learned person with their own passion and efforts to promote the company's former line, forming a mutual support, mutual encouragement of authon team.
  20. US venture capital funds, in particular, may have been moving money from Europe to Asia.

Europe 单语例句

  1. Bayer Technology and Engineering Company Ltd signed a memorandum of understanding with the China Europe International Business School this week.
  2. The author is a researcher at the China Europe International Business School in Shanghai.
  3. The ministry forecasts the software outsourcing business from the Europe and the United States will jump 50 percent in the next few years.
  4. June is usually the start of a slowdown in business travel in Europe as people head off on holidays.
  5. But analysts said the measures were merely palliative, buying time for Europe to come up with more concrete measures to quell the crisis.
  6. Old Tibet was " hell on earth ", which made slavery of medieval Europe and America look pale by comparison.
  7. It is developed by the interior design company HBA as a fusion of modern and traditional Chinese and Europe styles.
  8. There will be demands for China to save Europe, and also to act on frictions with the US.
  9. Padraig Harrington won the Dunhill Links Championship by five strokes on Sunday to set up a close finale for Europe's order of merit.
  10. The fundamental reason is that great changes had by then taken place in the Soviet Union and East Europe.

Europe ['jʊərəp]

中考 雅思
n. 欧洲
n. the 2nd smallest continent (actually a vast peninsula of Eurasia); the British use `Europe' to refer to all of the continent except the British Isles
n. the nations of the European continent collectively