Baluchi是什么意思 Baluchi在线中文翻译

Baluchi 英 [bəˈlu:tʃi:] 美 [bəˈlutʃi]


Baluchi 网络解释

  1. 俾路支人
    ...如今的塔利班比911后被驱赶下台以来的任何时候都要强大. 要明白的第一点是,巴基斯坦和阿富汗之间的边境从没获得阿富汗政府的承认,这仍然是一个争论的焦点. 鉴于普什图(Pashtun)和俾路支人(Baluchi)在边境穿越,这对伊斯兰堡而言有警告意味....
  2. 俾路支语
  3. 俾路支人,俾路支人讲的伊朗语
    ...Baluba || 巴鲁巴人(班图族中之一部族) | Baluchi || 俾路支人,俾路支人讲的伊朗语 | baluchithere || 俾路支兽(一种已绝种的古代巨兽)...
  4. 巴鲁奇(捭路支风格的毯子)
    ...巴雷里(地名)Bareilly | 巴鲁奇(捭路支风格的毯子)baluchi | 巴洛赤普尔(地名)Balochpur...

Baluchi 双语例句

  1. It was taken over by Sultan Majid, the Lord of Oman and Zanzibar, who added to it and fortified it some more to house Baluchi garrison troops.
    后来古堡被阿曼和桑给巴尔岛的统治者 Sultan Majid 占据,又新盖了一些房子并且进行加固,成为了俾路支人的要塞。
  2. A Baluchi woman wears a traditional red mask to conceal her features from public view.
  3. Language: Official languages are Pashtu and Dari. Other languages include Uzbek, Turkmen, Baluchi and etc.
    语 言:普什图语和达里语为官方语言,乌兹别克、土库曼、俾路支语等为地方语言。
  4. It`s aimed to incite internal ethnic and political opposition, and CIA operatives have also been sending Baluchi tribal warriors from neighboring Pakistan on terror raids into neighboring Iranian areas.
  5. In the meantime, Iran claims Washington backs Israeli-trained Kurdish Party for Free Life as well as Arab, Azeri and Baluchi incursions inside their territory to undermine its leadership, provoke a response, and provide cover for a US attack.
  6. The majority of the Omanis are Arabs, although there is a sizable Baluchi minority (Iranian people).

Baluchi 单语例句

  1. The Baluchi people live in all the three countries, and the separatist forces among them have orchestrated attacks in Pakistan and Iran.

Baluchi [bә'lu:tʃi:]

n. 俾路支人,俾路支人讲的伊朗语
n an Iranian language spoken in Pakistan and Iran and Afghanistan and Russia and the Persian gulf