Araucan是什么意思 Araucan在线中文翻译


Araucan 双语例句

  1. A team of Mapuche communicators from the blog Comunidad Autónoma Temucuicui - which focuses on the Mapuche community located in the Ercilla commune of the Araucanía region- denounced the government`s lack of action as a sign of racism and discrimination
    一群来自部落格Comunidad Autónoma Temucuicui -关注位於Araucanía区Ercilla里马普切部落的马普切传播者谴责政府缺乏实际行动就是种族主义跟歧视的证据
  2. " Of course, they're all joining the queue when all they have to do is form a community to get land for free, " complains Ren é Araneda, who heads a group of non-Mapuche farmers in Araucan í a.

Araucan [ә'rɔ:kәn]

n. 阿劳干语组的印第安语