AFO是什么意思 AFO在线中文翻译


AFO 词典解释

形容词Advanced File Organization 高级文件组织

AFO 网络解释

  1. 绵羊
    ...svingi 挥动,挥舞,甩动,抡 | ?afo 绵羊 | ?ajni 好象;看样子...
  2. 奥术集中
    ...AS = 奥术精妙 | AFo = 奥术集中 | AFu = 奥术之怒...
  3. 其它译名
    ...其它译名: AFO | 导 演: 沃尔夫冈.彼得森 Wolfgang Petersen | 编 剧: 安德鲁.W..马洛 Andrew W. Marlowe...
  4. 羊,绵羊
    ...monto 山 | ?afo 羊,绵羊 | vivi 生活...
  5. abbr. ankle foot orthosis; 踝足矫形器
  6. abbr. air force one; 空军一号(美国总统专机)
  7. abbr. air force order; 空军命令

AFO 双语例句

  1. OBJECTIVE: To explore the effects of AFO on gait characteristics in children with spastic cerebral palsy.
  2. Sufficient conditions to ensure local asymptotic convergence of the AFO are established.
  3. AFO is a society of professional and amateur ornithologists dedicated to the scientific study and dissemination of information about birds in their natural habitats.
  4. The various mounting configurations available in the AFO cylinders assure freedom to interchange with most cylinders on the market.
  5. It comprises of lower leg, ankle joint and foot for testing AFO.
  6. The AFO cylinder features include a stainless steel tube and roller burnished piston rod.
  7. These results support our belief that anterior encased AFO is more effective in controlling ankle plantar flexion and inversion than anterior direct molding AFO, especially for severe spastic hemiplegia in gait correction
  8. This means most systems can be upgraded to include quality AFO cylinders.
  9. This simulator may be suitable for simulating the foot motion of stroke patients with low extremity having abnormal muscle tone and loss of active ankle motion. The effect of impact and bending on the AFO thus can be evaluated.
  10. Ten healthy college students were included in this study. 3-D motion analysis system was employed to collect the data of segmental motion on walking. Movement degree of the ankle and knee joint was measured by goniometer.
  11. CONCLUSION; AFO can increase walking speed and walking efficiency, improve the walking ability in hemiparesis patients.
  12. An adaptive functional observer (AFO) for nonlinear discrete-time systems is proposed.
  13. Application of assembling KAFO and AFO in hemiplegia patients
  14. The effect of using the AFO in the early time on the walking ability in the hemiplegic stroke patients
  15. Preliminary Analysis of Therapeutic Effects of AFO on Tiptoes of Children With Cerebral Palsy
  16. Application of posterior leaf spring AFO in patients with simple foot drop
  17. Objective: To design and make T adjustable ankle-foot orthotics (AFO) and evaluate its effects on preventing and correcting ankle malformation.
  18. The Analysis of Research Trend of AFO Early Application in Recovery of the Stroke Patient's Hemiplegia Gait
  19. Objective: To observe and analysis the effect of ankle foot orthosis (AFO) on lower extremity stability, weight loading ability and range of joint motion (ROM) of the knee and ankle during walking.
  20. Objective To investigate the effects of ankle foot orthosis (AFO) used in the early stage on the activity of daily living (ADL) and quality of life (QOL) in the stroke patients.


abbr. animal-feeding operation 动物喂食行动