AEX是什么意思 AEX在线中文翻译


AEX 词典解释

形容词[医] 气溶胶醚二甲苯

AEX 网络解释

  1. 阴离子交换
    ...Aurum 离子交换小型试剂盒能在蛋白质组学分析等应用中选择性地富 集酸性或碱性蛋白. 我们提供用于细菌、酵母菌、培养细胞或血清的阳离 子交换(CEX) 和阴离子交换(AEX)层析试剂盒....
  2. 扫描所有文件
    ...-NOR 不把扫描结果保存为文件 | -AEX 扫描所有文件 | -AUT 自动扫描...
  3. 荷兰指数
    ...ADS 阿迪达斯 | AEX 荷兰指数 | AGF 再保险公司...
  4. 安二型双翼飞机
    ...aew 阿尔文.托夫勒 | aex 安二型双翼飞机 | ahd 爱德华.格里格...
  5. abbr. automatic electronic exchange; 自动电子交换机
  6. abbr. ammonia exhaust; 碱性排气

AEX 双语例句

  1. In accordance with Paragraph 3 of the Rules, the Complainant shall be required to send or tramit its complaint under cover of the Complaint Tramittal Coversheet set out in Aex A hereto and posted on the Center`s web site.
  2. Aex: Well, I'm just trying to help.
  3. Any aex is the integral part of this contract.
  4. In Europe, the AEX of Netherlands, DAX of Germany, and SMI of Switzerland all broke to new yearly lows.
  5. Pavcl -aex Allows all of the files in the scanned drive and directory/directories to be subject to the scan.
    pavcl -aex 允许所有在目标目录的文件都被扫描。
  6. In accordance with Paragraph 4 of the Rules, the Center shall forward the complaint to the Reondent together with the itructio set out in Aex B hereto and posted on the Center`s weite.
  7. In accordance with Paragraph 7 of the Rules, prior to aointment as a Panelist, a candidate shall be required to submit to the Center a Declaration of Independence and Impartiality using the form set out in Aex C hereto and posted on the Center`s web site.
  8. Elsewhere there were gains of 0.60% to 3, 934.57 on the Bel 20 in Brussels, 0.16% to 470.13 on the AEX in Amsterdam, 0.31% to 11, 929.3 on the Ibex-35 in Madrid, 1.06% to 38, 173 on the SP/Mib in Milan and 0.34% on the Swiss Market Index.
  9. Recent progress in Preselection of swine for aex
  10. Through a combination of these methods, we show that RAB-27/AEX-6, but not RAB-3 which is a close homologue of RAB-27, is required for peptide release from neurons.
  11. We demonstrate that RAB-27/AEX-6 is involved in the translocation and tethering of DCVs.
  12. Water pressure tested to 50 meters, the AEX35/50 doubles as a powerful dive light.


[医] 气溶胶醚二甲苯