ADF是什么意思 ADF在线中文翻译


ADF 词典解释

形容词Air Defence Force 美国空军防空部队

ADF 网络解释

  1. 自动测向器
    ...导航辅助系统(ADF+NDB system)系统简单、容易安装,并且和其它具有相同功能的导航辅助系统相比并不昂贵,自动测向器(ADF)接收机作为飞行电子设备的一部分很容易安装,从喷气式飞机到单引擎的普通直升机,几乎每个飞行器都安装了自动测向器(ADF),...
  2. 自动进纸器
    ...由于扫描仪使用了先进的自动进 纸器(ADF)和进纸轮系统. 各种不同厚度从40g/m 2 到209g/m 2 的纸张都能同时扫描. 扫描仪能够用来在一个批次中扫描硬的身份证卡片在内的各种组合文档,如驾驶证. 你甚至可以通过自动走纸器一次连续扫描多张硬卡片,...
  3. (自动文件送纸器)
    ...排解和解決自動文件送紙器 (ADF) 中產生的紙張路徑問題. description: 排解和解決自動文件送紙器 (ADF) 中產生的紙張路徑問題....
  4. 自动定向仪
  5. abbr. augmented dicky fuller; 富勒
  6. abbr. acid detergent fibre; 酸性洗涤纤维
  7. abbr. the african development fund; 非洲开发基金
  8. abbr. application development facility; 应用开发设施

ADF 双语例句

  1. The ADF concept was kept alive by former fighter instructor Major John Boyd and Pierre Sprey a civilian working in the office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Analysis.
    ADF 概念是陨前战斗机教师约翰 Boyd 少校和 Pierre Sprey所提出的,在美国国防部从事秘书助理工作进行系统分析。
  2. The ADF concept was kept alive by former fighter instructor Major John Boyd and Pierre Sprey, a civilian working in the office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Analysis.
    ADF 概念是由前战斗机教师约翰 Boyd 少校和 Pierre Sprey所提出的,在美国国防部从事秘书助理工作进行系统分析。
  3. The result about ADF was similar with NDF, but decreasedADF in facel flow with increased peNDF content of diets from the first diet to thethird diet.
  4. It indicated that the Pleurotus ostreastus could degrade the crude fider of maize stalk, the rate of degradation was slower and the levels of degradation were lower in low-temperature environment.
  5. Food fibre; diseases of adults; intensified food; fibre of corn husks; mutation; NDF; ADF
    食物纤维;成年人病;强化食品;玉维;突变; NDF ; ADF
  6. In the third part compose a model, called sticky price exchange rate target zone model, the introduce how to solve the model.
  7. The main objective of the experiment was to study the effect of sugar on barley silage quality and rumen degradability of ADF and NDF.
  8. AVIONICS: Comms: VHF and HF radio; intercom; ADF; emergency locator beacon.
  9. The main products: Turn up welding helmet; Auto-darkening welding helmet; The ADF auto-darkening filter.
  10. ADF automatic direction finder — ADF system provide a display of the relative bearing to a selected ground transmitter.
  11. L ADF automatic direction finder — ADF system provide a display of the relative bearing to a selected ground transmitter.
    l 自动定向机——此系统提供一个相对一个选定的地面发射台的相对方位角显示。
  12. Load the configuration report in the ADF, and then press Start Copy.
    测试 ADF。将配置报告装入 ADF,然后按下开始复印。
  13. The capability of ADF on showing pancrease artery in different age normal individuals and patients with diabetes is rather high and the parameter of PW can be obtained under this mode.
  14. By taking advantages of the Direct Digital Synthesizer and Phase Locked Loop, a low spurious, wide band, high resolution triple tuned type frequency synthesizer with AD9954 and ADF4113 is designed. The results which are the simulated data and the measured results on finished product indicate that the technology can obtain its goal.
    摘 要:结合数字式频率合成器和集成锁相环各自的优点,研制并设计了以DDS芯片AD9954和集成锁相芯片ADF4113构成的高分辨率、低杂散、宽频段频率合成器,并对该频率合成器进行了分析和仿真,从仿真和测试结果看,该频率合成器达到了设计目标。
  15. GEGA algorithms simulate the process of the information flow of the intra-cellular in the natural evolution, and map it into relation search problem.
  16. Additionally, it had marker beacons and ADF and DME receivers.
  17. It was proved that phosphorus fertilizer increased the above and underground biomass, seed yield, CP content and nodule fresh weight of sweetclover.
  18. And the changes in the contents of ADF, cellulose and lignin were measured with the improved Van Soest analytic method.
    取出后用改进的Van Soest法分析样品的酸性洗涤纤维和木质素的变化。
  19. The two tabs on the input tray with the two grooves in the ADF lid.
    的两个压片与ADF 盖板中的两个凹槽对齐。2 将纸盘
  20. According to Iacoviello and Minetti (2003), this article uses Taiwan data for 1995 first season to 2004 fourth season to check wheter Taiwanese housing market has the credit channel. This article establishes four groups of VAR model. Model (1) including overnight interest rate, GDP, the consumer price index, the house price index, the total bank loans, the bank housing loan. The model (2) replaces bank loan and housing loan; for spread. The model (3) uses Mix to replace the Spread. The model (4) including GDP, the consumer price index, the house price index and uses Mix to replaces overnight interest rate.
    摘要 本文用台湾地区1995第一季至2004第四季共40笔季资,验证台湾房屋贷款市场是否存在信用管道,本文首先以ADF单根检定法检定各项变是否为定态数列资料,其次将非定态变数取差分值之后进行VAR模型分析,最后经由估计后VAR模型之参数进行冲击反应分析与预测误差变异数分解,藉以了解当变遇到外冲击时对於台湾房屋贷款市场的影响。


abbr. airborne direction finder 空运方向探测器; air direction finder 航行方向探测器; automatic direction finder 自动方向探测器; after deducting freight 减去运费之后