zero game是什么意思 zero game在线中文翻译

zero game

zero game 双语例句

  1. According to survey experts, I think that our aims in the 2008's Olympic game are keeping our advantage in personal competitions and breaking the zero records in team and omnipotence fields.
  2. On a zero sum two-person continuous game, this paper introduces the concepts of judgement, judgement block, set of optimal strategies under a judgement and so on.
    姜殿玉 ,刘广智引进了二人零和连续对策上的判断,判断块以及在判断下的最优策略等概念。
  3. Be sure to keep the Level Bar up, if it hits zero it's Game Over!
  4. China`s capital market is a zero-sum game market, has been the existence of the big bullying the small, the strong bullying the weak holders and covert manipulation, the agency has a natural advantage of the information that used to look at small retail bottom line, And his hand was open, the agency lost the advantage of the information, in full view, it is difficult through the agency that secretly manipulating Zuozhuang and joint approach to profit and market the technology to improve the game, the agency lost the grasp of victory.
  5. Sony as a security tag with a true zero-ball version of Paul to zero ball game.
  6. However, the game's social contribution degree zero, the burden on society is also very heavy.
  7. Facing intense competitions in the wave of glocalization, many cities in the world form partnerships with other cities to share governance experience, and promote interflow of human resources, technologies, information and cultures. As a result, cities benefit from rapid advancements and diversified development. This shows that competition under glocalization is not a zero-sum game, but a competitive, cooperative, and friendly competition.
    在一片所谓全球在地化下城市较竞潮流中,欣慰的是,全球许多城市透过合作夥伴关系的建立,分享治理经验或进行人力、科技、资讯、文化等交流,促进城市快速与多元发展,显示这并非是场零合赛局(zero-sum game),而是既竞争又合作的良性竞争。
  8. The entire game takes place in a 3D, zero gravity space environment.
    整个的游戏在 3D 中发生,零种重力空间环境。
  9. Buffett wrote: I hope the rest of the world such as China can develop better, because this is not a zero-sum game.
  10. Dency to crash, these programs play a cynical zero-sum game.
  11. AnAsia bond would not be a self-centred zero-sum game.
  12. So many war equipments have been applied into the game, such as Zero Fighter, F6F Hellcat, B25 Bombers, Destroyers, and Battleships, as well as Maritime Supremacy Aircraft Carriers. In the game, they are no longer a simple name, but rather players in total control over the game.
    游戏中诸多机体类型,也让我们体会到了兵器那冷冰冰的特性,如零式战斗机、F6F地狱猫、B 25轰炸机、驱逐舰、战列舰,还有海洋霸主航空母舰……在游戏中,它们不再是一个简单的名称,而是成为游戏玩家手中的工具。
  13. So we certainly hope we could also find a modus vivendi between Taiwan and the mainland based not on zero-sum game, but on pragmatism.
  14. Of ﹃ non zero sum game this one new idea, can develop thinking and decision-making space for us.
  15. Then the problem is formulated as a two-person zero-sum game, and the method of the problem s solution is given.
  16. When writing a program to play a two-person zero-sum game with perfect information
  17. In this thesis, an extending two-person zero-sum game is built, resulting in Nash equilibrium.
  18. I do not think we will be able to make it a zero-sum game, but to the dree we can minimise it, we will.
  19. His career competitors, those he won money from in the zero-sum game, were not feeling his pain.
  20. Remember in the stock market, it is a Zero Sum game.

zero game 单语例句

  1. As land is scarce in Hong Kong, the development planning of land is inevitably a zero sum game.
  2. Some politicians don't understand that free exchange is not a zero sum game.
  3. Belief in such " zero sum " game by US policymakers is not objective or prudent.
  4. There should not be any zero sum game introduced to the integration process.
  5. The balance of payments overall is a " zero sum game " and the world cannot be in deficit as a whole.

zero game

zero game


athletics: 集合名词,常指需要体力与技术的sports与games,特指跳高、跑等竞技项目。
sport: 含义比athletics广泛,指各种形式的体育运动,尤指户外的如游泳、钓鱼、划船、登山等运动。
game: 主要指决定胜负的游戏、比赛,通常有一定的规则,参加者必须遵守,如蓝球、足球等。也作“运动会”解。

match: 多指重要的,参加队数较多的大型比赛。
game: 指决定胜负的比赛,多以个人对抗或集体对抗形式根据一定的规则进行。