zeno是什么意思 zeno在线中文翻译


Zeno 网络解释

  1. 芝诺
    ...+ [[埃利亚学派]]的[[芝诺]](Zeno)提出'''四个著名的悖论'''('''二分说、追龟说、飞箭静止说、运动场问题'''). + [[哲学家柏拉图]](Plato)在'''雅典'''创办著名的柏拉图学园,培养了一大批数学家,...
  2. 季诺
    ...哲学家季诺(Zeno)似是而非的隽语季诺(Zeno)是大多数人不知道的哲学家. 然而,哲学专家们现在同意季诺对柏拉图的影响很重要,亚里斯多德在一本书里也把季诺的哲学称赞. 总而言之,当学欧洲的哲学历史时,我们千万别忘了季诺!...
  3. (哲诺)
    ...古典文学的作者也有相同的意见,哲诺(Zeno)曾说:'我们有两个耳朵,但只有一个嘴巴,这就是要我们多听而少说. '当人问狄摩纳斯(Demonax)一个人怎样才能精于管治呢?他便回答道:'不动怒,少说话,多聆听. '比亚斯(Bias)说:'若你厌恶急言躁语,...

Zeno 双语例句

  1. His school, which lasted into the fourth century ce, had a number of influential and devout followers, among them Metrodorus, Hermarchus, Colotes of Lampsacus, Appolodorus, Demetrius Lacon, Zeno of Sidon (Cicero`s teacher), and the great Latinpoct Lucretius (99-55bce).
  2. During this time the government, realizing the danger of the disaffection of the frontier provinces, alternated fierce persecution of the heretics with vain attempts to conciliate them by compromises Zeno's Henotikon in 482, the Acacian Schism, 484-519, etc.
    在这段时间里政府服务,为实现危险性,就是不满的边疆省份,轮岗激烈迫害的异端,与妄图调解,他们的妥协(芝诺的henotikon在482 ,acacian裂,484-519等),它应实现说,埃及是更为一贯monophysite比叙利亚或巴勒斯坦人。
  3. Around 300bce, zeno and his students began teaching their views from a stoa, or porch, in the marketplace.
  4. Serious acne may require a doctor`s visit, but for mild to moderate acne, the Zeno Acne Clearing Device may be the right tool to help you feel better about yourself, put your best face forward, and get back into the game of life – stress free.
  5. The Zeno Acne Clearing Device works in ways traditional creams and oral treatments do not.
  6. Zeno Acne Clearing Device with 60-Co...
  7. Pope Hormisdas sent legates to reconcile the patriarchs and metropolitans, and every bishop was forced to sign, without alteration, a petition in which he accepted the faith which had always been preserved at Rome, and condemned not only the leaders of the Eutychian heresy, but also Zeno's time-serving bishops of Constantinople, Acacius and his successors.
  8. However, with new technology, acne can now be effectively treated by the Zeno Acne Device.
  9. One of Zeno's sayings is: A friend is a second self.
  10. Zeno can be used at the first sign of acne.
  11. The date of the short discourses of Zeno of Verona is uncertain.
  12. In the intervening turns, Arctos sees Zeno`s bike and walks over to check it out.
  13. Monophysite. In his earlier days, he rejected the Henoticon of Zeno, but when a patriarch he accepted it.
  14. Former emperors had made efforts for reunion, but in the fifth century the Henoticon of Zeno had been condemned by the popes yet had not satisfied all the heretics, and in the sixth century the condemnation of the Three Chapters had nearly caused a schism between East and West without in the least placating the Monophysites.
    前皇帝已作出努力团聚,但在第五世纪的芝诺Henoticon已谴责了教皇还没有满足所有的异教徒,并在六世纪的谴责三章几乎引起了东亚之间的鸿沟和而在西方最安抚的Monophysites 。
  15. Zeno's paradox and blad man paradox, stemming from ancient Greece, have raised a universal and persistent controversy in range of philosophy, logic, mathematics and physics etc.
  16. Zeno of Elea:To prove it could never reach the other side.
  17. Zeno of Elea: To prove it could never reach the other side.
  18. Zeno of Elea: To prove itcould never reach the other side.
  19. The stoicism is a very important school of thought in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, it's representative men include Zeno, Epictetus and Seneca etc.
  20. A paradox of dialectical reasoning, by which Zeno negates that being is differentiated substances, has remained complex, intellectual puzzles to this day.

Zeno [ˈzi:nəu]

齐诺( Zeno of Citium (5zinEu Ev 5siFiEm)西希昂的齐诺; 前340?-前265?; 希腊哲学家; 斯多葛派的创始人; Zeno of Elea 埃利亚的齐诺
n. ancient Greek philosopher who formulated paradoxes that defended the belief that motion and change are illusory (circa 495-430 BC)
n. ancient Greek philosopher who founded the Stoic school (circa 335-263 BC)