winding stem是什么意思 winding stem在线中文翻译

winding stem

winding stem 双语例句

  1. Pathological changes in myelinsheaths such as tortuous and wavelike deformation, peeling off from axon and in-termittent disappearance developed in the brain-stem with postinjury interval of19~22h, but not in those with postinjury interval of 0.5~2h. Similar results wereobtained from either immunohistochemical double staining of MBP/NF or modifiedtrichromatic staining with improvements. There were Al, IgG and IgM positive neu-ral cells and fibers in any part of injured brain-stem. The CD31 positivity appearedas irregularly winding and disconnecting fragments, by immunohistochemical doublestaining for CD31 and IgM. Regarding the numbers of GFAP positive cells, therewere significant increases in the medulla oblongata, pons and midbrain with postin-jury interval of 0.5~2h, except those with postinjury interval of 19~22h. How-ever, no remarkable change was inspected for the number of Ki-67 positive cells inall 11 cases. The extensive 5-HT positivity could be detected in the cytoplasma ofglial cells and the surrounding tissue of blood vessels. No significant changes of theareas of SYN positivity were observed at 0.5~2h and 19~22h after trauma. Marked difference existed among individuals with brain-stem injury regarding thenumbers of c-fos protein and c-fos mRNA positive cells. In the individuals died at0.5~2h after trauma, there were 3 cases with more c-fos protein positive cells thanother 3 cases, and 4 cases with more c-fos mRNA positive cells than other 2 cases, while in the individuals died at 19~22h after trauma, there were 2 cases with morec-fos or c-fos mRNA positive cells than other 3 cases. Statistical analysis showedthat there were no significant changes in the numbers of both c-fos protein and c-fosmRNA positive cells, comparing to that of no-brain-stem injury group. The IL-6mRNA was also negative in the injured brain-stem. The pathological changes relatedto axons and plasma proteins in injured brain-stem were also investigated by LSCM. The distortion, transection and diastematia at the initial segment of axon was theinteresting result discovered with LSCM. Moreover, LSCM could be applied todetect the minute pathological focus in the inner structure of tissue or cell.
    颅脑损伤组,神经轴突有不规则肿胀和断裂等改变,神经髓鞘在伤后19~22h死亡者有明显曲折,剥脱及节段性消失等改变,而在伤后0.5~2h死亡者无明显改变,MBP/NF双重免疫组化染色和新的改良三色法染色的观察结果相似;在各部位的脑干组织中均可见到Al、IgG和IgM阳性神经细胞和神经纤维,CD31阳性物亦呈不规则弯曲的小片段状,彼此间不连续,围成的管腔不规则,CD31/IgM双重免疫组化染色可以同时观察到上述改变;GFAP阳性细胞数目在伤后0.5~2h死亡者的延髓、桥脑及中脑等组织中显著增多,而在伤后19~22h死亡者无明显改变,同时,Ki-67阳性细胞数目也无明显变化;5-HT阳性物分布广泛,血管周围的神经组织和胶质细胞的胞浆也呈阳性反应,而SYN阳性物面积在伤后0.5~2h和19~22h死亡者均无明显改变;C-fos蛋白和C-fos mRNA阳性细胞数在各例之间也有较大差异,C-fos蛋白阳性细胞在伤后0.5~2h死亡者3例较多,3例较少,在伤后19~22h死亡者2例较多,3例较少,而C-fos mRNA阳性细胞在伤后0.5~2h死亡者4例较多,2例较少,在伤后19~22h死亡者2例较多,3例较少,经统计学分析,两者与非脑干损伤组相比无显著性差异;IL-6 mRNA呈阴性反应;用LSCM亦可观察到神经轴突和血浆蛋白的上述改变,并发现起始段轴突有扭曲、横断和纵裂等改变,同时还可观察到组织细胞内部结构中的细微的病理改变。
  2. Packing ring preparations 1 braided At the appropriate size of the axis of winding packing or packing ring using calibrated cutting machine; upon request, packing neatly cut into the butt, or miter (30-45 degrees), a cut of a ring, and use shaft or stem test size is appropriate.
  3. When the upward winding curvature of pathways of well attain to a certain degree, the pipe stem has the possibility of buckling.
  4. Our Main KLSM-II series of roving cleansing functions and specifications of the models and yarn, roving, spinning, winding, weaving, and other needs of the Tour clean, effective improve the production environment, can remove Fei Hua and inhibit the accumulation of dust, So attachment to reduce the breakage of the stem and uneven phenomenon.
  5. The pathological changes in injured brain-stem included varied aspects, suchas, brain edema, hemorrhage and increased content of 〓; perinuclear lysis ofNissl bodies in neurons; irregular swelling and disconnecting axons; tortuous andwavelike myelin sheaths with peeling off or intermittent disappearance; increasednumber of GFAP positive cells; irregularly winding and disconnecting fragments ofCD31 positivity; positive immunoreaction of plasma proteinsin the cytoplasma of neural cells; and altered distribution of the positivity of neuro-transmitter(5-HT), etc. It was indicated that these pathological changes could beused to discriminate the antemortem and postmortem brain-stem injury.
  6. Mycelium was produced by sclerotia which in the soil, winding up from base of stem. Then, the site of infection emerged soaking spots, plants began to yellow, and finally dead.

winding stem

winding stem