wedding paper是什么意思 wedding paper在线中文翻译

wedding paper

wedding paper 双语例句

  1. Mainly in the form of paper cutting, Shaanxi kiln roof window flower, kang Wai flowers, door paintings, Gualian, pillow flowers, table skirts flowers, shoes, flowers, wedding double happiness flower, clothing and accessories flowers, shrines decals.
  2. But the paper can finally smoke theres fire, in Joeys wedding anniversary will dawn, two women finally found the truth.
  3. Today, it`s my first wedding anniversary, or Paper anniversary.
  4. Based on the investigation into the wedding customs and culture in Baishui County, Shaanxi Province, this paper studies local wedding culture from the local dialectal lexicon. The paper also reveals its heritage and development from Chinese ancient wedding custom, thus summarizes and getts a clear idea of the contemporary form of Chinese ancient customs and culture.
  5. The couple later went on to get a full page colour photo and editorial story in a wedding supplement in their local paper – for free, just by working out the human element of interest to readers.
  6. Rich red draperies and glowing paper lanterns transform a rocky cave into a magical wedding hall in China's Hubei Province.
  7. But in the paper is finally cannot wrap up the fire, when ancestor's wedding anniversary commemoration day is going to approach, two females have discovered the true feelings finally.
  8. Chinese rural society, the importance of a wedding is often stronger in the marriage registration, the young men and women only do the wedding to get the recognition of rural society. Thirdly, the paper discusses the dissolution of marriage that is the divorce.
  9. Korel (Hong Kong) Ltd. - Manufactures safety helmets and accessories. The kerosene lamp had a red paper cover which flooded the cabin with a rosy light as if for some wedding or festival.
  10. Small pieces or streamers of colored paper that are thrown around on festive occasions (as at a wedding). The lid was torn away, a brilliant present was at sight.
  11. Wedding invitations and marriage certificates are printed on paper, as are virtually all major life passages and social occasions. COMEX Clearing Association [New York]
  12. In this paper, launched three parts: The first part of the " Nan " to classify the content of the love poems, including love poems, wedding poetry, poetry Praying for Children, Deserted Wife Poems poetry and refusal to get married.
  13. The kerosene lamp had a red paper cover which flooded the cabin with a rosy light as if for some wedding or festival.
  14. For Hakka people, oil-paper umbrellas are given as wedding gifts to wish the couple good luck in having many children.
  15. I read a notice about my cousin's wedding in the paper.
  16. The establishment of Sun Wu State and the society development conditions are mainly discussed in this paper, which including economy development, the rich and powerful families'development and the wedding system.
  17. Even without a teacher, the village people would ask him to run for paper-cut wedding.
  18. They announced the date of their wedding in the paper.
  19. Paper cutting window guards occupy an important position in the wedding.
  20. In contrast, Connie is so pleasant that some people are willing to call the newspaper every day just to greet her and say, When's my wedding picture going to appear in the paper?

wedding paper 单语例句

  1. Some young people nowadays present congratulatory wedding notes in red paper packets instead of the routine cash to new couples.
  2. When this information was made know to the paper, it contacted a wedding photo studio in town.
  3. The couple often take the paper out to reminisce about what happened on their wedding day.
  4. The paper also reported that Putina wanted to live and work in South Korea after her wedding.

wedding paper

wedding paper


wedding: 普通用词,指婚礼上的结婚仪式以及随之而来的庆祝活动。
marriage: 普通用词,含义广,指婚烟关系及婚后生活,也可指结婚仪式。

article: 多指在报刊、杂志上发表的非文艺性的文章,包括新闻报导、学术论文等。
paper: 正式用词,多指在学术刊物上发表或在学术会议上宣读的专题论文,也指高等学校的学期论文,或学校里的作文练习。
theme: 一般指大学或高中生作为作业所写的篇幅有限、较完整论述某个观点的文章。也可指作品或谈话的主要论题。
composition: 多指学校里老师给学生的作文练习。
dissertation: 书面语用词,指独立研究后所写的较为详细的专题文章;也可指学位论文。
essay: 指任何一种非小说性的,篇幅不长、结构简练的文章,如论说文、报道、评论、讽刺性杂文等。
prose: 专指散文。
thesis: 既可指毕业论文、学位论文,又可指一般的为阐述学术观点而写的论文。

document: 即可指法律性文件,也可指用作证明或消息来源的文件或记录等。
paper: 普通用词,泛指成册供将来参考或使用的任何文件或公文等。