wais是什么意思 wais在线中文翻译


WAIS 词典解释

形容词(Wide Area Information Servers)广域信息服务系统

WAIS 网络解释

  1. 广域信息服务
    ...14.广域信息服务(Wais)是什么?15.万维网(WWW)是什么?万维网(World Wide Web)也是基于Internet的信息服务系统. 但是比Gopher具有更大的灵活性、更易于提供信息服务. WWW以所谓的超文本技术为基础用面向文件的阅览方式,...
  2. 广域信息服务系统
    ...广域信息服务系统(WAIS):基于关键词的信息检索⑥ 广域信息服务系统 : 万维网(WWW) :基于超文本格式的信息检索⑦ 万维网 电子新闻(USENET NEWS):传播新闻的电子公告板⑧ 电子新闻 : (4)Internet 接入方式 接入方式: 电话拨号上网 号上网(UNIX 主机或 SLIP/PPPP 协议 协议)① 电话拨号上网 分组网上网(UNIX 主机或 TCP/IP 协...
  3. 广域信息服务器 数据库信息检索
    ...Gopher 地鼠 菜单驱动信息检索 | WAIS 广域信息服务器 数据库信息检索 | World Wide Web 世域网 超级文本信息访问...
  4. 广域信息服务(全文检索)
    ...archie: 文件索引查找 | wais: 广域信息服务(全文检索) | 1.4.7 Internet的主要用途...
  5. abbr. wide area information system; 广域信息服务系统,广域资讯查询系统(台湾用语)
  6. abbr. wechesler adult intelligence scale; 魏氏成人量表
  7. abbr. wide area information server; 广域信息服务器〖因特网搜索引擎〗

WAIS 双语例句

  1. Data was collected from 60 pairs of parents of children with autism, who are evaluated using well defined measures including the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales, 3rd edition, the Autism Spectrum Quotient, the Friendship Questionnaire, the Brief Symptom Inventory, the Parenting Stress Index and with the Reaction to Diagnosis Interview.
    数据来自于 60 个孤独症儿童的父母,他们同时接受韦氏成人智力测验( WAIS-3 版),孤独症谱商数,友谊问卷,简易症状清单,父母压力指数和对诊断性访谈的反应。
  2. Based on the present findings, it appears that all the Taiwan WAIS-Ⅲ working memory index, the single Arithmetic and the Digit Span subtests, and the span scores of the Digit Span subtest could adequately discriminate individuals without working memory impairment, but had poor sensitivity on detecting the patients who evidenced working memory impairment. Accordingly, it is suggested that clinicians should gauge the working memory index by a composite of the Arithmetic, the Digit Span, and the Letter-Number Sequencing subtests if possible. Otherwise, a caveat should be taken with care to interpret the working memory index, as estimated by a composite of the Arithmetic and the Digit Span subtests, because the chance of the increasing false negative rate becomes ineludible.
  3. The neuropsychological statuses were measured on a cognitive battery administered preoperatively and7to10days postoperatively, including Mini-Mental State Examination, the Digit Span subtestof the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Rivised, the Digit Symbol subtest of the WAIS-R, the Trailing Making test, the Stroop colour word interference test.
  4. Results The group of seroquel is significantly better than chlorpromazine in WAIS......
    结果 治疗后思瑞康组的WAIS、CT、WCST等成绩明显好于氯丙嗪组。
  5. A total of 17 patients suffering from post-traumatic brain injury were assessed by the WAIS-RC after the injury.
  6. I just wais part of it.
  7. To start a search, you provide keywords telling WAIS what it is you're after.
  8. They were, wais t-deep in water.
  9. I did not feel I was a stranger or a tourist from another land; I just wais part of it.
  10. It wais to be lifted in the night.
  11. WAIS, which stands for Wide area Information Servers, is a system designed for retrieving information from networks.
  12. The operation principle of the proposed solution wais analyzed and the current controller and phase locked algorithm were discussed.
  13. Veronica, Jughead and WAIS are other tools for searching the huge libraries of information on the Internet.
  14. VaD patients and 51 stroke patients were selected by MMSE and Similarities test in WAIS-R, Blessed Behavior Scale.
  15. The results, as estimated by a composite of the Arithmetic and the Digit Span subtests, revealed all the specificity, negative predictive value, and positive predictive value of the Taiwan WAIS-Ⅲ working memory index were each at or above 94%, yet the sensitivity was only 63%. The sensitivities of the Arithmetic and the Digit Span subtests were even poorer, measuring only 50%.
    本研究以回溯研究方法,将179名各类中枢神经病变患者之脑造影结果当为参照效标,WAIS-Ⅲ中文版之各项工作记忆相关测验分数当为检验标的,进行ROC(Receiver Operating Characteristic)分析,结果显示仅由算术与记忆广度分测验组合所推估之工作记忆指数的特异性、阳性预测值、及阴性预测值皆在94%以上,但其敏感度仅有63%。
  16. Methods 70 patients with schizophrenia and 94 normal controls were assessed using neuropsychological tests Neuropsychological tests include the knowledge; arithmetic; digit symbol: block design and digit span of WAIS-RC and logical memory; visual memory; Stroop; verbal fluency; Trail making A and B; Tower of Hanoi; and Modified Version of Wisconsin Card Storing Tests.
  17. There are many issues in regards to whether or not the composite of Arithmetic and Digit Span subtests used to determine the working memory index of the Taiwan WAIS-Ⅲ is compatible with that of the English WAIS-Ⅲ, and whether the individual Arithmetic and Digit Span subtests, and the span scores of the Digit Span subtest are adequate for measuring working memory.
  18. Methods P_ 300 potentials test and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) test were used for the fifty - six psychogenia of head injury patients and fifty-three normal healthy peoples. The results were compared in the two groups.
  19. Method All the 77 patients with cerebral concussion were received Wechsler adult intelligence scale-revised China (WAIS-RC), and were compared with 48 healthy adults.
  20. Thinking Machines produced WAIS servers which ran on their massively parallel CM-2 (connection machine) and SPARC-based CM-5 MP supercomputers.


abbr. Wide Area Information Server 广域信息服务系统