vocal cavity是什么意思 vocal cavity在线中文翻译

vocal cavity

vocal cavity 双语例句

  1. Pronunciation when the impact of air exhaled from the lungs vocal cords, and then after a cavity, pharynx, nasal and chest resonance effect, coupled with the coordination of labial tooth movement to support the sound.
  2. Tiger tune singing by the actors do sing, use the throat, vocal style, rugged, unrestrained, simple, tightly integrated with the local language, line cavity with rich local color and local flavor.
  3. A variety of human medical materials such as artificial ureters, artificial body cavity drainage tube, artificial venous catheters, artificial blood dialysis or peritoneal dialysis, artificial tracheal intubation, artificial heart valves, artificial bone, artificial vocal cords and other widely used.
  4. In national vocal music the training of the tenor part is a integrated process, in which the key points are the training in the fulcrum of head cavity, the resonance of head cavity, the direction of the singing voice, and the flow of the breath.
  5. The thyro-hyoid membrane, infraglottic cavity, cricothyroid membrane, anterior commissure and vocal ligament of the larynx were studied in30 male adults and6 female (? ) adults by dissection.
  6. In the course of vocal music teaching, vocal organ, especially the deeper part of oral cavity can t be seen and felt generally.
  7. The major side effects of this therapy were fungus infection of the oral cavity, vocal hoarseness and laryngeal discomfort.
  8. Its simple style, the lines delivered extremely rich cavity, vocal variety, known as cavity 72heng heng fewer words of that high melody, speaking, singing, Road, White both lyrical blend of narrative, to say that the main singing as a supplement (in the full-length book more), have slowed down, tight board, leveling boards, there are cross sentence rhyme, rhyme and so on the seventh.
  9. It is a opera of more vocal cavity, in the process of development in all parts of the different solo singing, and it is history vocal cavity exchange of the integration of a typical example.
  10. The thyro-hyoid membrane, infraglottic cavity, cricothyroid membrane, anterior commissure and vocal ligament of the larynx were studied in30 male adults and6 female (?) adults by dissection.

vocal cavity

vocal cavity


hollow: 通常指表面上的坑或凹处,也指物体内部的空洞。
cavity: 比hole正式,指实体内中或表面的空洞或空腔。
pit: 指天然的大洞,尤指地上的洞,也指为采掘矿物而挖的深洞。
cave: 指出洞、窑洞或溶洞,可以是天然的或人造的。
hole: 最普通用词,泛指实体上的洞、孔或坑,不涉及其大小、深浅或穿透与否。