vision interference是什么意思 vision interference在线中文翻译

vision interference

vision interference 双语例句

  1. The flexible protection technique has the properties of easily spreading, high ability against impact, fewer vision interference, original vegetation and landform maintains, and good environmental effect.
  2. Depending on the features of untouched, fast-speed, real-time, proper precision, anti-interference, the inspection technology based on the machine vision has been researched deeply and comprehensive applied aboard.
  3. The characteristic of interference filter and the spectral response of all kinds of wavelength of incident light on special PCB (printed circuit board) are analyzed, and a method of using interference filter is proposed in improving the efficiency of PCB machine vision inspection.
  4. It was concluded that task conceptualization was an important cognitive strategy to overcome bimanual interference, and vision monitoring had no significant role on bimanual coordination.
  5. According to coding principle of code-bar grade rod, this paper presents a collimating method using computer vision in combination with double-frequency laser interference length measurement to inspect the error of code-bar grade rod stripes.
  6. But besides noises, there are some other interference factors which weaken the vision effect of digital image greatly, like image contrast, image brightness and image sharpness, etc.
  7. There are many interference factors in videos, including complicated background environment, target posture change, target frequent occlusions and cross, illumination and climate change, etc. All these make target tracking a difficulty in computer vision research field.
  8. After the eggs were cured, the surface of preserved eggs to produce a lot of stain, and this will have an image acquisition and interference, so the machine vision technology is not suitable to be used to detect preserved egg breakage.
  9. Moreover, according to the principle of computer vision, it calculates the visibility direction of cutter contact (CC) point on the wheel mating surface so to check the cutter interference and to control the cutter angles.

vision interference

vision interference


exclusion: 拒绝,排斥
interference: 干涉

sight: 普通用词,与eyesight同义,可换用,指由实实在在的事物引起的视觉。
vision: 书面用词,含义广泛,指人的视力或视野,也可指远见卓识。
perception: 指视觉,也可泛指其它器官的功能,或引申指敏锐的理解力。
eyesight: 普通用词,指眼睛的正常功能。

sight: 视力,眼界,情景,奇观
vision: 远见,想念力,洞察力,眼界
image: 形象,肖像,影像
scene: 景色,景象,舞台指像图画一样映入眼睛view或landscape,但不那么广泛,是整个风景中可以入画的一部分