vegetation map是什么意思 vegetation map在线中文翻译

vegetation map

vegetation map 双语例句

  1. They, adding the former maps such as the river map, the lake map, the topoline map, and so on, formed a field data set on the same integration platform for advanced analysis and evaluation of vegetation effect on soil and water conservation.
    输沙模数数据经过投影和数据格式转换,具有与遥感数据集相同的坐标系、相同的分辨率和相同的数据格式(ARC/INFO GRID),加上原有的全国图件,构成了一套以GIS为集成平台的、进行区域植被水土保持功能分析和评价的地面数据集。
  2. On the basis of analysis for landscape features, such as landform, vegetation, soil and the like, the author took pingshuo opencast mine as an example and studied the landscape dynamic succession, landscape features and landscape types by means of MAP-GIS and the theory of landscape ecology. The results show that the process of ecosystem landscape dynamic succession in larger open-pit mine includes ones in damaging ecosystem (excavating, occupying and piling) and in rehabilitating ecosystem (landform remolding, soil rebuilding and re-vegetation).
  3. The data processing includes map projection transformation, image enhancement both on contrast stretch and image sharpening, color balance adjustment, cloud removing, separated processing of land and sea, modification of image seasonal aspect with vegetation index image and mosaic.
  4. The geographical distribution of Galliformes in Hebei Province was analyzed by use of the correlative references of the distribution. The RS image was digitized to the vegetation map and the geomorphologic map utilizing the drawing function of GIS techniques.
  5. This chapter describes the process of creating the terrain, from the first grey scale height map to the painting of vegetation brushes and applying light.
  6. The first climate map and the standard Koppen classification of climate were, in fact, based on vegetation maps.
  7. In order to derive proper vegetation information, the image was merged, geo-corrected, classified and produced thematic map, and the correlative spatial and attribute database was established.
  8. Map and derived DEM has important effect not only on classification, but also on stand division. The relationship of vegetation indexes and vegetation classes were developed based on the landsat TM data of Guangzhou City center district forest classification.
  9. Based on the field survey, the vegetation classification system and landscape ecological classification system are established, the map of current landscape ecology made.
    在大量野外工作的基础上,建立了幕燕风景区次生植被分类系统,并以植被为标志,拟建了风景区景观生态分类系统,调绘了风景区景观生态现状图;选取多样性、代表性等 8项指标对风景区的景观生态进行了评价,并根据景观综合评价指数将类景观类型划分出 4个等级;以景观生态评价结果为依据,提出了风景区景观生态规划的关键措施,研制了风景区景观生态规划图;最后,根据景观生态学原理和方法,进一步提出了风景区可持续发展的建议。
  10. Detailed discusses the rules irregular terrain modeling, feature modeling, flowers, vegetation modeling, the modeling process of other auxiliary equipment model, successfully established the corresponding model, and also on the texture map.

vegetation map

vegetation map


graph: 多指用纵横坐标之间关系的曲线表示两个量之间的图表。
map: 指标有国家大小、城市、铁路、河流、山脉、海洋等的地图。
chart: 指航海地图,也指图表。