value revolution是什么意思 value revolution在线中文翻译

value revolution

value revolution 双语例句

  1. Poverty could not explain the reason why peasants join revolution, no doubt that revolutionary peasants had an itch for material benefit, but traditional criterion on value and norm of morality and justice were still being considered, and the risk of revolution also often made them dread revolution.
  2. But with the development of electronic commerce, it brings out a large revolution of economic、social、behavior norm and value sense.
  3. The quality revolution in the factory treats each individual as a source of added value.
  4. The fundamental value of the constitution is to end the revolution and prevent new ones.
  5. As a product of the class struggle of the British Industrial Revolution in the first half of the 19th century, the theory of Comparative Cost put forward by Ricardo David on the base of the Labor Theory of value had revealed the possibility of achieving the comparative profits i. e.
  6. As a product of the class struggle of the British Industrial Revolution in the first half of the 19th century, the theory of Comparative Cost put forward by Ricardo David on the base of the Labor Theory of Value had revealed the possibility of achieving the comparative profits i. e.
    今日的中国与东亚 China and East Asia Today 比较成本说是十九世纪前叶英国产业革命时期阶级斗争的产物,李嘉图的比较成本说建立在劳动价值论的基础上,揭示了两国通过分工实现这种比较利益即节约社会劳动的可能性。
  7. This pwt did deeply research onevery kind of relationship between love and revolution, and did some research on tWoinclined phenomina Which were suPported by the text. This part analysed the choice betweenart value and social value.
  8. During the ten years before the 1911 Revolution, the traditional value the Confucian Schoolhad on the system was challenged because of both the domestic turmoil and foreign invasion.
  9. Good use in the steel blade, but the reality is often not the case, the Cultural Revolution, the number of professors, Ph. D. in the tie-up was, the kind of position in the sheep pen, so that they almost zero value to the state caused much damage.
  10. HK already became the sources of energy of Bo Yixin of domestic fund orgnaization to invest the cardiac with tide the fiercest efficacy of a drug, always hold to value repeatedly investment, be global pay homage to cling to often be unable to bear or endure the temptation of glamour of revolution of new energy resources, hesitant what do we return?
  11. As his works, this text tries to analyze to his social cultural thought, value and his attitude to revolution, and find the inside source of tragedy destiny. Through the destiny of lonely liberalist consider destiny of liberalism and liberalist atChina.
  12. Handsome spring of market economy and value standard Cheng the revolution period that contemporary China is lying to be transformed to market economic system by planned economy system.
  13. Mission is to dedicate themselves to the contemporary revolution in military value of the basic ways to achieve.
  14. He can finish the person do poineering work that our very much person thinks to do poineering work his Chinese dream, fulfil his poineering dream, that moment China just calls right big country to rise abruptly, the rise of a country and revive need revolution twice, it is dress warmly and ear one's fill, it is the thing that does before us 30 years, hind 30 years we should pursue higher value, creation, dress warmly and ear one's fill and creation are two concepts.
  15. To build eco-civilization, we must popularize ecological knowledge, set up ecological value, carry out a " revolution of conscience ", and abandon materialism, economism and consumerism.
  16. A sensor, detecting the feedback value of current and revolution, is needed in double closed DC servo-system.
  17. It should be noted that this is to choose the speed of the spacecraft orbit the Earth and the revolution speed in the same direction when the calculated value of the V3;
  18. After the revolution in the thinking of civilian national capitalist ideology is indispensable, but also its many and very rich truth value, with the personality characteristics of the transition to a socialist revolution by civilians important propositions.
  19. On the basis of informatization and globalization caused by technological revolution the paper analyzes the influences of contemporary world economic changes on international value and the features of formation and realization of international value and the change of its law.
  20. Culture value management theory which surpasses and sublates traditional management theory pattern comprehensively, is a profound " Copernican revolution " based on human subject nature in management idea history, which is different in approach but equally satisfactory in result with Kant's " Copernican revolution ".

value revolution 单语例句

  1. No estimates are available for the market value of such technological revolution in China.
  2. The Industrial Revolution required taking more from the environment than all the dollar value of production boasted for in a nation's GDP.
  3. China placed high value on the Cuban Revolution and gave great sympathy and support to it.

value revolution

value revolution


evaluate: 与appraise相似,指使判断绝对准确,但多用于对人物的某方面的评价,很少用于评价某物的市场价值。
rate: 专指评定价值等级的高低。
value: 侧重指一般人对某物的价值或价格所作的估计。
assess: 原义指对为确定交多少税而估计,引申指通过估价以便更好利用。
estimate: 通常指由个人作出的主观估价。
appraise: 指以专家身份作了最终精确的估价。

value: 侧重指使用价值,着重人、物或事所具有的重要性、用途或优秀品质等。
worth: 与value近义,但前者强调事物本身的价值。