uranus是什么意思 uranus在线中文翻译

Uranus 英 [ˈjʊərənəs] 美 [ˈjʊrənəs]

Uranus 词典解释


Uranus 网络解释

  1. 天神乌兰诺斯
    ...在希腊神话中, 最早的神叫卡俄斯(Chaos),即是混沌之义,在混沌之中首先产生了大地之神盖娅(Gaea)以及一系列与之相关的众神,盖娅自己生下了天神乌兰诺斯(Uranus)....
  2. 天神
    ...阳历1月20日-2月18日 水瓶座的守护星为[天王星] 守护神为[天神](Uranus) 特征 独立人道主义...
  3. 乌拉诺斯
    ...接著該亞生出了天空,即是穹蒼之神烏拉諾斯(Uranus),烏拉諾斯和該亞結合,成為世界的主宰. 他們生下六男六女,即十二泰坦巨神(Titans). 除此之外,他們還生了三個獨眼巨怪和三個百臂巨怪. 據說烏拉諾斯討厭子女,把他們藏在該亞體內,...

Uranus 双语例句

  1. Uranus and Neptune have been missing, in theory, for some time now.
  2. Uranus seems to be the only minor problem for you.
  3. Yeah, and that looks just like Uranus.
    对的 ,那看上去像天王星。
  4. Naturally, with Uranus in your sign, you`ll continue to be activeanway.
  5. Naturally, with Uranus in your sign, you`ll continue to be active anway.
  6. Saturn will be positioned in your house of friendship, and Uranus in your fifth house of love.
  7. Venus and Mercury are still traveling in your 10th house of career increasing recognition and praise at work. On September 25th Saturn squares the Moon and Uranus making it a day when work obligations may create problems at home.
  8. You see, it is your partnership sector that is hosting Uranus` genius, charm, and rebellion, so you will have to deal with it regardless.
  9. Neptune is about the quality of the 17 times, and similar twins Uranus for low density, quality is about the earth 14 times.
  10. But the true source of tension is the third exact contactof the Saturn/Uranus opposition, which occurred yesterday, Earthtime (and, measured by cosmic moments, is still occurring).
  11. You can be tempted to say more than you intend as rebellious Uranus opposes the Sun from your 3rd House of Communication.
  12. And the astology shows on my lunar vs transit plate that my Uranus locates in 9th House and has a good phasic with the Sun.
  13. Now super-Earths—planets that are more massive than Earth but less massive than Uranus and Neptune—mark the threshold for detection.
  14. Uranus has caused a lot of the rocking and rolling of your finances over the years but it is also the planet that will help you find miraculous and unexpected infusions of cash at other times sometimes just in the nick of time.
  15. Mars and Uranus will be perfectly angled on this day, whipping up plenty of creativity.
  16. Your planetary ruler, Venus, in Sagittarius, is squaring Uranus in Pisces this weekend, which could disrupt your peace of mind a little.
    天平座 周末,射手座的金星将刑于双鱼的天王星,这将会让你平静的生活泛起些许波澜。
  17. Be careful as this new moon will square off with Uranus from your partnership house.
  18. As said earlier, Mercury will be in a debilitated state now that it's retrograde, but to be confronted by Uranus too is overwhelming.
  19. Both Venus and Uranus will be in Pisces and will meet in your house of true love.
  20. Uranus in your house of true love can make you impulsive.

Uranus 单语例句

  1. The 13 crew members of the YM Uranus were unharmed and were evacuated by helicopter to a nearby air base.

Uranus ['juәrәnәs]

n. [天] 天王星
n. a giant planet with a ring of ice particles; the 7th planet from the sun has a blue-green color and many satellites