tuscarora是什么意思 tuscarora在线中文翻译

Tuscarora 英 [ˌtʌskəˈrɔ:rə] 美 [ˌtʌskəˈrɔrə, -ˈrorə]

Tuscarora 词典解释


Tuscarora 网络解释

  1. 塔斯卡洛拉
    ...为了避免与好斗的移民发生冲突,塔斯卡洛拉(Tuscarora)和肖尼(Shawnees)等部落的印第安人甚至从其他的殖民地逃到宾夕法尼亚避难. 佩恩认为,白人如果占领土地和森林,土著人就应该获得相应的补偿. 政府负责监管移民和土著人的关系,...
  2. 印第安人的一部族
    ...Tuscan 托斯卡尼语 | Tuscarora 印第安人的一部族 | Tuskegee 塔斯基吉...
  3. 塔斯卡洛拉人; 塔斯卡洛拉语 (名)
    ...Tuscarora 塔斯卡洛拉人; 塔斯卡洛拉语 (名) | tush 犬齿, 尖牙 (名) | tusk 长牙, 尖牙, 獠牙 (名)...
  4. 印第安人的一部族/其语言
    ...Tuscan /托斯卡尼的/托斯卡尼式的/托斯卡尼人/托斯卡尼语/ | Tuscarora /印第安人的一部族/其语言/ | Tuskegee /塔斯基吉/...

Tuscarora 双语例句

  1. Patterns in Nature: Snow and Ice Frost covers the windshield of a car in Tuscarora, Nevada.
  2. Frost covers the windshield of a car in Tuscarora, Nevada.
  3. Greener Pastures gained notoriety in January when McConnellsburg resident Jolene Mihalick rescued a young, 18-pound dog that had been thrown from the window of a pickup truck she was following on the east side of Tuscarora Mountain while she drove to work in Chambersburg.
    择木而栖1月获得了恶名时,麦康奈尔斯堡居民Jolene Mihalick救出一名年轻的,18磅的狗已经从一个窗口扔卡车她在山区的图斯卡罗拉东侧以下,同时,她开车到工作伯斯伯格。
  4. The Tuscarora migrated northward in the18th century, joining the Iroquois confederacy in1722 and adopting aspects of the Iroquois culture.
  5. Carlin is where gold mining began for Newmont. In 1961, Newmont geologists began probing the high desert area around the Tuscarora Mountains in search of finely disseminated gold - gold that could be seen only in a microscope and, thus, had eluded earlier prospectors.
    历史概述 Carlin是纽蒙特金矿的发源地。1961年,纽蒙特的地质人员开始在Tuscarora山四周的高沙漠地带寻找细颗粒浸染型金—一种极为细小,只有用显微镜才能看见的金子,所以以往的勘探人员都未能发现。1963年夏季通过钻孔和化验划定了一个 300万盎司的矿床,即使当时的金价每盎司只有35美元,该矿山也具有开采价值。
  6. The Iroquoian language of the Tuscarora. of or concerning Qatar.

Tuscarora [.tʌskә'rɒ:rә]

n. (印地安)塔斯卡洛拉人, 塔斯卡洛拉语
n. a member of an Iroquois people who formerly lived in North Carolina and then moved to New York State and joined the Iroquois
n. the Iroquoian language spoken by the Tuscarora