tsh是什么意思 tsh在线中文翻译


TSH 词典解释

形容词Thyroid Stimulating Hormone 促甲状腺激素

TSH 网络解释

  1. 促甲状腺素
    ...如是冷结节,以及甲状腺功能正常或减低,可给以左旋甲状腺素片,以阻断促甲状 腺素(TSH)生成,并嘱病人在3个月后复查. 3个月后如结节增大,则不管TSH受抑 是否足够,有手术指征. 但若结节变小或无变化,可仍予以TSH抑制治疗,...
  2. 促甲状腺激素
    ...垂体又分前后两页,前页为腺垂体,后页为神经垂体;垂体前叶分泌多种激素,如促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)、生长激素(GH)、泌(崔)乳激素(PRL)、黄体生成激素(LH)、卵泡刺激素(FSH)和促甲状 腺激素(TSH)等....
  3. 甲状腺刺激荷尔蒙
  4. 促甲状腺素释放激素
  5. abbr. thyroxine thyroid stimulating hormone; 促甲状腺激素
  6. abbr. thyroid-stimulating hormone; 促甲状腺素
  7. abbr. thyroid stimulating hormone; 甲状腺刺激素
  8. abbr. transient synovitis of the hip; 暂时性髋关节滑膜炎

TSH 双语例句

  1. Result:The results showed that the levels of T 3 and T 4 in serum s...
    结果 :虚热证造模大鼠血清中T3、T4 水平显著升高,rT3 水平呈下降趋势,TSH水平无明显变化;实热证造模大鼠血清中T3、T4、rT3 和TSH浓度均无明显变化。
  2. Cadmium decreased the content of freeT3, freeT4 in serum and increased the TSH, which can influence the function of thyroid.
  3. The rats received LE95 at a dose of 1g/kg body weight per day could decrease AST, increase hepatic NPSH, TSH contents and increase scavenging ability of DPPH in rat liver. However, higher MCH value, higher carbonyl group`s content of plasma, and lower CAT during 15 days after cyclophosphamide administration in red blood cells were observed. These results implied that higher dosage of LE95 may appear aggravating oxidative damage in blood system of rats.
    摄取五倍剂量 LE95 的大白鼠能够降低AST 活性、提升肝脏组织中 NPSH、TSH 含量与增加清除 DPPH 自由基的能力;然而,却有较高的 MCH 値、加重血浆中蛋白质结构的氧化性伤害和降低遭受氧化压力 15 天后血球触酶的活性,显示摄取高剂量的 LE95 有加重氧化压力,并引发大白鼠体内血液进一步受到氧化伤害的现象。
  4. The following studies showed that the DMH could be directly excited and the discharge was increased by ionophoresis of LaCl〓 into DMH. The content of T4 and TSH in serum could be increased by directly microinjecting LaCl〓 into DMH; The content of T〓 in serum was also increased by electric stimulation on DMH.
  5. Methods The urinary iodine of prepartal women and neonatal umbilical cord serum thyroxine (T4) and TSH were determined.
  6. Dynamic change curves of thyroid hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, Iodine, Selenium and GSH-Px were similar between healthy multiparity cows and healthy primiparity cows. But most of numerical value of primiparity cows were lower than that of multiparity cows.
  7. The result suggested that Iro system and Tsh were important in the pathogenicity of APEC.
    进一步证实Iro 和Tsh 为APEC 重要的致病因子。
  8. Thyroid stimulating antibodywas detected by radioreceptor assay of TSHin patients with Graves'disease.
    本文报道用促甲状腺激素放射受体分析法测定 Graves 病病人血清甲状腺刺激抗体抑制或置换~(125)I-TSH 与人甲状腺细胞膜受体结合的活力,以 TSH 置换活力表示之。
  9. The labeled antibody stored in neutral media is more stable than that in acidic or basic media. There is no significant loss of chemiluminescence and immunological activity of DMAE-NHS and labeled antibody stored in pH 7.0 phosphate buffer at 4C for six months. A two-site sandwich CLIA for TSH and a two-site sandwich BAS-CLIA for TSH were developed.
  10. Results showed that thyroid epithelial cells aberrant expressed DR antigen and the number of DR~+ thyrocytes was significantly increased in thyroid gland with intense lymphocytes infiltration and severe destruction of throid architecture.
  11. Myxedema syndrome: obvious sex, growth and development retardation, myxedema, mental disability, T4↓ TSH↑.25 percents, goiter
  12. In saisentong groups, the surm T_3 was found decreasedsignificantly at dosage of 5 and 10mg/kg. Thiodiazole-copper administration weredecreased serum T_3, T_4 and increased surm TSH at the dosage of 20 and 30mg/kg. 3、In order to validate whether these pesticide have effect on the thyroid, thehistopathological examination was conducted based on the measurement of organweights and hormone.
  13. Results: The levels of serum total thyroxine (T3), total T4 (TT4), free T3(FT3) and free T4 (FR4) in kidney diseasegroup were significantly lower than those in the control group(P 0.01), and TSH and rT3 had no significant change, but the levels of serum TSH increased significantly while rT3 decreasedsignificantly (P<0.01) in thyropenia group.
  14. In a TSH vs FT4 diagram, this corresponds to division of the area into 9 rectangular sections.
  15. Bushen rats serum FT3, FT4, TSH levels compared with normal group have no statisstical difference.
  16. Methods RIA for detecting FT3、FT4、TSH and TRAb in serum of two groups patients.
  17. Methods The thyroid functions of 4639 pregnant women before delivery were examined.
  18. The results showed that without treatment the content of Zn in erythrocytes was significantly lowe...
    结果表明,GD组红细胞Zn含量明显低于对照组(P 0 1);血浆Zn含量虽略低于对照组,但无统计学意义(P 0 5);且Zn与FT4 呈明显负相关(P 0 1)、与TSH呈正相关(P 0 5)。
  19. In addition, the NCCN recommends counseling patients who are on long-term suppression about adequate daily intake of calcium (1, 200 mg/day) and vitamin D (800 U/day).
    NCCN还建议向TSH长期抑制患者提供咨询,建议患者每天应摄入充足的钙剂(每天1,200 mg)和维生素D (每天800 U)。
  20. METHODS: Osteoporosis model was prepared with injection of dexamethasonc. Antagonism osteoporosis acupoint paste on acupoints and non-neridian places was administrated to compare with oral recipe for kidney tonification in the treatment of osteoporosis. It took the changes in serum estrogen, bone density, calcitonin/parathyroid hormone, thyrotropic hormone, free T3 and free T4 as the measuring indexes. Immunocyto-chemistry stain and morphological measurement of TSH cell, follicular adenoma of thyroid gland and thyroid globulin were applied in pituitary gland and thyroid gland to observe the therapeutic results.
    采用注射地塞米松建立骨质疏松模型,用抗骨松穴位贴剂(antagonism osteoporosis acupoint paste,AOAP)外贴穴位、非经非穴位、并与口服补肾方药比较治疗骨质疏松,以血清雌激素、骨密度、降钙素/甲状旁腺素、促甲状腺激素、游离T3、游离T4的变化为衡量指标,取垂体、甲状腺作促甲状腺激素细胞、C细胞和Tg等免疫细胞化学染色,并形态计量,观察其治疗效果。

TSH 单语例句

  1. High TSH levels suggest the thyroid is underactive, a condition known as hypothyroidism.
  2. Doctors usually check its activity by an indirect measure - looking at levels of TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone.


[化] 促甲状腺激素
[医] 促甲状腺激素
n anterior pituitary hormone that stimulates the function of the thyroid gland