triple cross是什么意思 triple cross在线中文翻译

triple cross

triple cross 双语例句

  1. The two redundancy actuator is put forward, which is the structure of four brushless DC motors driving four ball screws. The structure of actuator, cross-sectional view and triple geared drive equipment is introduced, and the structure and control principle of permanent-magnet brushless DC motor is analysed.
  2. Therefore, the lifetime of the empty cavity is obtained to be 2.9174 ms by approaching method, and the absolute absorption cross section of ~RQ(5) ro-vibrational line of the (3, 0) band in the triple forbidden transition b~1Σ_g~+- X~3Σ_g~- of O_2 is determined to be 1.4998(± 0.0967)× 10~(-26) cm~2, which is in good agreement with previous estimation.
  3. The cross-lineage expression in ALL cells from 505 patients was detected by flow cytometry using 23 monoclonal antibodies in triple staining combinations.
  4. A theoretical study on absolute triple differential cross sections for near threshold he + (e, 2e) reactions
  5. We compute the triple differential cross section for electron impact ionization atomic helium using Coulomb waves with an effective charge for the incoming electron and find very agreement with experiment and with previous calculations.
  6. Based on our earlier paper, the triple differential cross section for electron impact ionization atomic helium are calculated by use of Coulomb waves with an effective charge for the initial channel wave function.
  7. For calculating integrals involving four confluent hypergeometric functions, a general theoretical method is presented, which is valid for both symmetric and asymmetric geometries to determine the triple differential cross sections (TDCS) for electron impact ionization of ions.
  8. The distorted wave Born approximation with polarization and post-collisional interaction has been used to calculate the triple differential cross sections for low-energy electron impact ionization of the 3s orbital of argon in coplanar asymmetric geometry. The calculated results are compared with available experimental data.
  9. Triple differential cross sections for inner-shell ionization of carbon atom by fast electron impact
  10. Triple Differential Cross Sections for Ionization of Li + (1s) by Electron Impact
  11. In addition the affect of the orthogonal projection to the triple differential cross section dies down with increasing the quantum number n.
  12. The results showed that when the cross-association was taken into account for Helmholtz free energy, the calculated equilibrium properties could be significantly improved, and the error prediction of the three phase equilibria and triple points in low temperature regions could be avoided.
  13. However, for stronger shock diffraction, they do not cross each other and are corresponding to the Mach reflection. In the vicinity of the gasdynamics focus, the high pressure and density gradients induce a series of vortex pairs as observed. By plotting the trajectories of the triple points during the shock wave focusing, the dynamics of the different types of the reflection and diffraction can be explained.
  14. A Note on Triple Test Cross Analysis
  15. Triple Test Cross and Genetic Analysis in Wheat Population
  16. Estimating the Number of Genes Controlling a Quantitative Trait by Triple Test Cross Design
  17. The augmented triple test cross design and lts analysis
  18. With Andrews, Cross and Cheng lined up, doctors scheduled the triple surgery.
  19. We put forth a new criterion for traffic light decision making. That is, a fuzzy logic controller has triple inputs and the output is the car's priority to get through the cross rather than the previous time variable.
  20. With a planned immunization program: Birth: BCG 2 months of age: quality of spinal cord inflammation pay 3 months of age: cross-cord stromal inflammation, DPT triple 4-month-old: cross-cord stromal inflammation, DPT triple 5 months: DTP triple 2, you should be September 20 to allow your baby to eat first; as a last resort to eat in the first three months of the first, had to be postponed after the.

triple cross

na. 涉及三方的叛卖行为
[网络] 双重间谍网;三重杂交;三重摆渡
triple cross


penetrate: 穿透、渗透
cross: 越过,穿越