top spring是什么意思 top spring在线中文翻译

top spring

top spring 双语例句

  1. It was an old spring-wagon, with a round canvas top on it like the cover of a prairie schooner.
  2. Years 924, Deng Xiaoping and Margaret Thatcher was famous meetings and conversations can be said that the top leaders of Britain and China in Hong Kong on the issue of a no-jun蠼narrow stalk Joseph P miao だ world resistant small scar Ze-yi India defeated Na luang unloaded frequency septempunctata playing Xia spring sun exuviate commentary milk sway from side to side and flying the Department of History Chui Hui Yun ㄈ line В?
  3. Is a geologically Alxa - Mazongshan to Taiwan a part of the ridge from the Near East to the uplift and depression depressions arranged for flying geese, from north to south there are four major groups:(1) is a leap forward in the most northern mountain - qijiaojing sub - Hill, elevation 200 meters from top to bottom, the relative height of 100 meters from top to bottom, its wide and 40-50 km south of the Mustang spring - Lian-Quan depressions; (2) Mazongshan peak elevation of 2791 meters, the general ridge 200 meters above the relative height of up to 70 -900 m, but Kuanjin 10 km south of the tree nest well - in the beach spring low; (3) Small Mazongshan to the longest, reaching more than 500 kilometers, but the elevation is only 1, 500 meters from top to bottom, its south is an elevation of 1, 400 meters up and down the valley; (4) and the most southerly Daqingshan, the altitude of 1400 meters from top to bottom, the relative height of only a few tens of meters to Bai Yumi, mountains are not always continuous, namely, its south western section of the Hexi Corridor, Dunhuang - Anxi edge of depression.
  4. Before and after the spring equinox, rhizosphere pumping plants, in plants there are white membranaceous bract, the top of Health and one flower.
  5. It is said the youth of some races in Balkan peninsula men and women the top of the wedding rites will appear a spring onion, meaning the hope New appointee health happiness.
  6. Not to mention the Sanweishan, ming sha shan, the god of Crescent Moon Spring, the odd, the United States, I just slaughtered the top end of the modern Le Glacier is enough to forget it.
  7. Last spring there were 500 people waiting to go to the top in one day.
  8. Fairy from the hands of villagers Ludi Ludi Dou kinds of back to back to the top of the cave, and soon, Lo Tik grass has sprouted green leaves, an immortal of the flute was born in Ludi and flowers, accompanied by all day long day after a Sun-Earth playing the sounds of the flute, Lo Tik grass day after day, under the endless flow of spring water also nourishes the light foot of the mountain and that the 10000 dump the farmhouse garden.
  9. USB Missile Launcher stands approximately seven inches high, is gunmetal grey, with three 5 to 8 feet white foam spring-loaded missiles on top.
    的USB导弹发射站约七吋高,是青铜灰色,与3 5日至8 feet白色泡沫弹簧加载的导弹顶部。
  10. Yes, and then spread some brown bean sauce and some chopped spring onions on top, and then roll it up and eat it.
  11. It was strung at top, center and bottom on 12-gauge spring steel wire.
  12. Yan, for our country top of the more than one household, there are many people such as Guo spring flower.
  13. Why this is because the uptake to stop working, top next to the uptake of claw la spring tension is not enough, resulting in a drum roll away from the pressure-sensitive-borne water is still in draft, machines in operation until one or two rings, uptake of draught tongtou due to the top of the power of the claw la spring are not sufficient, the slow uptake of withdrawal caused by one or two, this is caused by a larger Panel, which is water.
  14. Top the package with some fresh spring flowers.
  15. Reducing gear drives cam rotate to top half-turn and link gear of upper gate move, top disc opens and discharges. Spring device makes disc close and replace with displacement of cam. When cam rotates to bottom half-turn link, gear of sub-layer gate moves, below disc opens and discharges. The disc closes little by little with the displacement of cam. These two actions maintain a closed state of either disc on the pipe. So it can discharges and lock air at the same time.?
  16. Lettuce leaves, sliced cucumber, cut spring onions and coriander leaves help top off a salad dressing.
  17. Fresh acid Gan Yi in order to raise tempers, together with seasonal green vegetables, such as: Malanje head fresh wolfberry top of the goods, to achieve Qinggan, refreshing, sedative effect. The principle of the spring
  18. As stated before, almost anything that pops the top of the water can be very useful throughout spring-time.
  19. For example, in hainan -- 100 agencies in spring and autumn, sanya is arranged in the top five travel du and is one of the subsidiaries of Shanghai spring, there is no real guest, not like some small travel, reduce cost, mainly for the meal, a small restaurant in spring and autumn, and booth or dinner in the hotel.
  20. Mother was worried, inevitably, to go to the seaside every island looked at top, year after year, spring, see how the son.

top spring 单语例句

  1. She has snapped up top spots in four national championships and has performed five times as the annual CCTV Spring Festival Gala's principle dancer.
  2. China's top labor official Yin Weimin has asked local government departments to ensure migrant workers are paid their dues before Spring Festival.
  3. He said the top enemy of the rats are hawks that spend winter in the wetland around the lake but fly away in spring.
  4. Cycle 12 of " Top Model " will air in the spring.
  5. It is known to host the best hot spring in central China, and one of the top 10 hot springs across the country.
  6. The troubles ordinary travelers face in getting train tickets during Spring Festival have caught the attention of the country's top leader.
  7. Top influenza scientists warned on Friday of the big possibility of a major bird flu outbreak in China this winter or next spring.
  8. On top of it is a large glass shield that lets the warm spring sunshine in but keeps Beijing's annoying dust winds out.
  9. She is known for her appearances at national galas, such as the top rating CCTV Spring Festival Gala.
  10. Boiled chicken with fresh Sichuan pepper has fresh spring onion and chili on top.

top spring

top spring


peak: 指山峰的全部或上部。
sumit: 书面用词,指山的最顶峰部分,也指通过努力可以达到的最高水平,还指最重要的,国家间的首脑最高级会谈。
climax: 指戏剧等的高潮,也指事物发展中的极点,因此多含其后由盛而衰的意味。
top: 普通用词,可指包括人或物或其它任何的最高点或顶点。

skip: 指两脚交替轻地跳或跨的动作。
hop: 指单脚短跳或双足猛力的动作。也指小鸟、青蛙等的跳。
spring: 更强调有力和弹跳的运动。
bound: 多指向前向上或向下跳跃、奔跳。
leap: 常可与jump换用,但侧重身体猛力向上升起并朝前急冲的动作,有时含突然的意味。
jump: 是普通用词,指用双脚向上跳,向下跳,或在同一平面上跳到有一定距离的某一点上,或跳过。

fountain: 指天然或供观赏或饮水用的人工泉或喷泉。引申用根“根源”或“源泉”解。
spring: 指从地面自然涌出的天然泉。