testicular follicle是什么意思 testicular follicle在线中文翻译

testicular follicle

testicular follicle 双语例句

  1. Methods Azoospermia was diagnosed in 149 patients after detection of centrifuged seminal fluid on at least three occasions. After examinations of testis volume, serum gonadal hormone level, seminal plasma biochemical parameters and B ultrasound of genital system, PESA or PESA+TESA was performed. Histopathologic examination and sperm count were conducted for tissues available. Open testicular biopsy was done in those with normal serum follicle stimulating hormone levels and testis volumes for evaluation of spermatogenesis function.
  2. Objective To explain the regulation mechanism of " kidney corresponding with winter " through the observation of seasonal changes of testicular follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) receptor.
  3. According to the results, we can find that female reproductive systemis made up of ovary, lateral oviduct, common oviduct, spermatotheca, accessory glandand genital chamber, which is typical polytrophic type. Then the male reproductivesystem consists of testes, vas deferens, vas efferens, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory duct, male accessory gland and pygostyle. Moreover accessory gland is fully developed, seminal vesicle is unclear, males testes and testicular follicle has degenerated before itflying, and the quantity of testicular follicle is different from the other kind of ants.

testicular follicle

testicular follicle