templar是什么意思 templar在线中文翻译

Templar 英 [ˈtemplə] 美 [ˈtɛmplɚ]

Templar 词典解释


Templar 网络解释

  1. 圣堂武士
    ...这款游戏是由旗舰工作室(Flagship Studios)独家开发的电脑游戏,旗舰工作室(Flagship Studios)是由一批以前暴雪(Blizzard)曾经开发过<<暗黑破坏神>>(Diablo)的技术人员组建的. DEMO只能体验两种职业 ,圣堂武士(Templar)和猎人(Hunter)...
  2. 守护星
  3. 圣殿骑士
    ...以战士的专精选项之一圣殿骑士(templar)为例,这条专精路线可以让战士对施法者造成额外的伤害,成为名符其实的法师杀手;即使是传统上皮薄馅多的法师,也能透过职业专精而成为魔法战士(arcane warrior),拿起武器近身厮杀....
  4. 圣堂,也有称之为圣堂武士、闪电兵等
    ...Dragoon:龙骑 | Templar:圣堂,也有称之为圣堂武士、闪电兵等 | Darktemplar:隐刀,也有称之为黑暗圣堂,暗黑等...

Templar 双语例句

  1. Templar Blademaster-Offensive, can't take as much damage, but they don't need to.
  2. A new Templar, new Cabalist, etc. We have a lot of the art and varying degrees of design and implementation done. We know which one is next...
  3. The Templar gazed thoughtfully at the weirwood rafters while the Consul dressed in semiformal evening wear of loose black trousers, polished ship boots, a white silk blouse which ballooned at waist and elbows, topaz collar cinch, black demi-coat complete with slashes of Hegemony crimson on the epaulets, and a soft gold tricorne.
  4. Elite mercenaries equipped with crossbows, fighting for the Knights Templar.
  5. Since the seal represented the power of Knights Templar, their seals were closely guarded and stored in a box, which required three keys to open it!
  6. Blizz, don't forget to redo Dark Templar, both concept art and in-game model suck hard
  7. DT rushes are for PvP and PvT, and when it comes to PvZ you don't waste your time on a DT rush because they have that pesky free detection.
    但是在PVZ时,你不需要在暗黑武士(Dark templar后面简写为DT)RUSH中浪费时间,因为Z有免费的反隐型。
  8. Denied the support of the great forges and armories of Aiur, the dark templar were forced to find new ways to defend themselves from a hostile universe.
  9. Armed with their potent warp blades, the dark templar are deadly and relentless foes, capable of crippling conventional forces with their devastating strikes.
  10. These dark templar radiate energies that are much like my own, and it is by these energies that they have caused me harm. yet shall their overweening pride be their downfall.
    即没有为zasz的死而伤感,也没有为自己的遇刺而发怒,更没有责备属下什么的,甚至没有考虑去报仇,对付zeratul什么的(要知道,zeratul的一切都被他知道了,进攻dark templar的基地也是很容易的事情)。
  11. And for that you will have to research mind control and wait for the energy - resources that are pretty much wasted should the P go for a pure tier 2 army with templar.
  12. These are ancient rites that greatly augment the offensive or defensive capabilities of the Templar for short periods of time.
  13. Summons a poisonous gas that damages enemies in the vicinity, but will also restrict the Dark Templar's movement as the poison slowly deteriorates the body.
  14. Not everyone wants to look exactly the same as the next person in full templar armour, even if you can colour code them...
  15. In a last desperate gamble, Tassadar channeled the energy of the dark templar through the hull of his ship, the Gantrithor
    作为最后搏命的一击,Tassadar 将他的能源与黑暗圣堂武士同步,布满他的旗舰,甘崔托号Gantrithor
  16. The protoss of the Templar caste devote their long lives to honing their powerful abilities for war.
  17. Or over a thousand years the Templar caste of the protoss have defended their people from threats both internal and external, dedicating their long lives to the pursuit of martial perfection.
  18. He dark templar are a branch of the protoss race that refused to surrender their individuality to the encompassing psionic gestalt of the Khala.
  19. Some historians speculate that the shroud may have been found in Constantinople by the Knights Templar during the 12th or 13th century and subsequentially taken to France.
  20. It is known that Clement ordered the suppression of the Templar and the confiscation of their property.

Templar 单语例句

  1. Moore is best known for playing superspy James Bond in seven films in the franchise, as well as Simon Templar in TV series The Saint.

Templar ['templә]

n. 法学生;律师
n a knight of a religious military order established in 1118 to protect pilgrims and the Holy Sepulcher