tectonic conglomerate是什么意思 tectonic conglomerate在线中文翻译

tectonic conglomerate

tectonic conglomerate 双语例句

  1. The tectonic events at 1.7~1.2 and 0.93~0.84 Ma BP folded the Yumen Conglomerate into the anticline, and the one at 0.16 Ma BP tilted the Lower Jiuquan Gravel. The alluvial fan constructed by the Upper Jiuquan Gavel is covered by loess sequence since S1, indicating the downward incision from the fan at about 0.13 Ma BP.
    酒东盆地盐池凹陷底部以及走廊北部合黎山顶的河流相砾石层可能是被断层错断的同一套砾石层,根据钻孔资料为约0.10Ma BP,推测合黎山的隆起主要发生在晚更新世。
  2. Based on modern tectonic theory, the authors believe that this conglomerate is a product of middle-late stage sedimentation during a compressional orogeny.

tectonic conglomerate

tectonic conglomerate