subtraction with serial operation是什么意思 subtraction with serial operation在线中文翻译

subtraction with serial operation

subtraction with serial operation 双语例句

  1. The arithmetic of the subtraction is based on the serial arithmetic. It can entirely enumerate every pair of subtrahend on a bit, and it also calculates two possible loaning carry values on each bit. So the subtraction can be operated through automatic selection, and complete collateral subtraction and carry operation. The method of single division is same to it. With the stenography of shifengshou we can solve the complex division. We put the formula and the technique into the DNA model to get the result. The methods all make the step decrease and change the conventional arithmetic.
    减法的DNA 算法理论主要是来源于串行思路中的算法,它是将每一位上的两个减数对的所有可能进行全列举,同时考虑每一位上的两种借位信息,使得运算进行自动选择,一步即可得到最终结果的算法;除法中一位数除多位数的算法还是从我们平时所进行的串行运算中得到启发而设计的算法;而除法的多位计算思路则来源于史丰收速算法,将算法中的口诀及技巧应用到DNA 链当中,使得传统中的代数运算能够并行的得到最终的结果,这三种算法的设计都使得计算步骤减少,从根本上改变了算法的运算机制。

subtraction with serial operation



operation: 多指一连串行动或行为的完成方式。
deed: 较庄重用词,除泛指各种行为外,还可用于指某种高尚或伟大的行为,故常译作“功绩,业绩”。
performance: 主要指行动的方式方法。
action: 普通用词,着重行动的过程。
act: 一般指具体的、短暂的或个别的行为,强调行为的完成及其效果。