stretch on the procrustean bed是什么意思 stretch on the procrustean bed在线中文翻译

stretch on the Procrustean bed

stretch on the Procrustean bed 双语例句

  1. Barely a metaphor for the off-the-shelf or unreasonable conditions, and their corresponding English is the stretch on the procrustean bed, from Greek mythology, Athens Legend has it Puluokelushi procrustes is a thief, often tied to a prisoner iron bed, if the body longer than the bed, it chopped its feet, if there is no bed long, it will be hard lengthen their bodies.
    比喻勉强求合或不合理就现成的条件,与其对应的英语是stretch on the procrustean bed,出自希腊神话,相传普罗克鲁斯procrustes 是雅典一大盗,经常把俘虏绑到一张铁床上,如果身比床长,便斩其脚,如果没有床长,便硬将其身子拉长。
  2. Vi.上床, 分层 apple-pie bed be brought to bed confined to one's bed die in one's bed feather bed flock bed get up on the wrong side of the bed get out of bed on the wrong side go to bed go to bed in one's boots keep one's bed keep to one's bed leave one's bed lie on the bed one has made lie in the bed one has made lie on a bed of thorns make one's make one's bed bed and lie on it make one's own bed make one's own bed and lie on it make the bed make a bed narrow bed narrow cell narrow house narrow home put to bed put to bed with a shovel stretch on the Procrustean bed
    发生性关系;付印喝得大醉早睡早起因病躺在床上因病躺在床上病愈起床自作自受自作自受如坐针毡;坐立不安自作自受自作自受自作自受自作自受整理床铺整理床铺坟墓坟墓坟墓坟墓使睡;将扣紧准备印刷;准备编排直至印刷为止埋葬,下葬;扶送回家上床按照同一标准判断;强求一致 24 As you make your bed,so you must lie on it。

stretch on the Procrustean bed

stretch on the Procrustean bed


enlarge: 放大(照片)
extend: 使…(在空间或时间上)更大,更长;伸长,伸展,延展;舒展(肢体),extend sth
stretch: vt 拉长,撑大;绵延,延续
prolong: 人为的延长时间
inflate: 使(轮胎、气球等)充气,膨胀,inflate sth (with sth)
expand: 使…变大,扩大,扩展,expand sth into sth
increase: 增加,增大(数目、数量、体积等),increase sth from…to…
multiply: 成倍的增加
lengthen: 指自然的延长时间或空间
add: 加,添加,add sth to sth
augment: vt 增多,增大,augment sth
amplify: 特指音量,电流等的扩大

enlarge: v.扩大,多指具体物品如相片的放大。
 ➤ enlarge photograph  
放大照片enlarge a house扩建房屋

stretch: v. (有弹性地)伸展,延伸,并有可能超过限度;伸长、伸出(身体某部位)并绷紧肌肉(尤指在放松后或为了够着某物)。
 ➤ The pullover stretched after I had worn it a few times.  

 ➤ Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, stretching themselves.  

expand: v.指范围、体积的扩大、增大,也可以指内容或细节的充实。
 ➤ The balloon expanded, then exploded.  

reinforce: v.增援,加固。
magnify: v.放大,指用透镜或显微镜使物体看上去大一些。
 ➤ His eyeglasses magnify words so he can read them.  

amplify: v.扩大,增加,尤其指通过增强电压或电流使声音扩大;补充叙述(故事、事件等)。
 ➤ We must ask you to amplify your statement.  