stored pattern是什么意思 stored pattern在线中文翻译

stored pattern

stored pattern 双语例句

  1. In printing subsystem, a unit of the printer font memory. A character pattern of a 3232 DOT character box can be stored in one compartment
  2. In high speed palletizing, pieces of materials are placed on a pallet at high speed according to certain pattern, so that materials can be stored, schlepped, transported, loaded and unloaded by unit load.
  3. According to anti-false papierhygiene can be divided into use background patterns stored in business card printing and membership card making hidden text flat、pattern, pattern, use of copy prevention; prevention of coloring characteristics part carbonless copy paper; contains light anti-chromotropic material part carbonless copy paper; contains thermochromic materials containing anti-copy paper; photoluminesence; anti-cracking-photographic materials containing fluorescent substances in anti-copy paper; ystal anti-cracking diffuse emission principle part carbonless copy paper and the use of anti-photographic paper with polarized light.
  4. The fingerprint of the first person is read and compared to a stored fingerprint pattern.
  5. HASMCs of control (with old HS stored at 4℃ for 2 years) shrank and showed poor-growth pattern while those in groups of different concentrations of LMWH or heparin became well-spread and well-growth pattern.
  6. Stored data is also retrievable according to the pattern of meaning created for it within the context e. g., by defining a set of entities that meaningfully relate to each other
  7. F7--- Display a pattern f ile stored on the PC.
  8. Introduction: OWI classic patterns stored in the top grade of paper series slipperyor, pattern design unique, printability, do a variety of membership card after processing technology.
  9. For this DBMS, datas can be selected to be stored in disk or memory with the restriction of accessing speed, but a common definition pattern and operation pattern are provided.
  10. Based on the systematic analysis of past soil water data, author had described the spatial distribution pattern of stored soil water, the soil water quantity changes with latitude and longitude. It shows the quantity decreases from the east to the west, from the south to the north.
  11. Raising an compression algorithm for socks pattern file which has nice compression performance and simple decompression algorithm. It is easy to be stored in the embedded systems and decompression. 3.
  12. In printing subsystem, a unit of the printer font memory. A character pattern of a32 × 32 dot character box can be stored in one compartment.
  13. For example, perhaps you do not simply want to compare the attribute name to a string pattern, but actually look up whether the name is an attribute that has been stored in a persistent database.
  14. This thesis is aiming at pattern recognition with image bases stored in VHM.
  15. A class which supports incremental matching of a pattern against a set of stored strings.
  16. The results showed that, stored-full runoff was the main pattern of runoff yield in slope farmland of purple soil, and interflow accounted for a larger percentage of total runoff.
  17. The examples show that both accuracy and stability are better than Runge-Kutta method with four-order. The coefficients of the equation are stored with sparse matrix pattern, so an algorithm is presented which combines a compact storage scheme with reduced computation cost.
  18. Presents a design and implement of common, dynamic tree structure. In this scheme, data is stored in database, the design of business logic is referenced from MVC pattern, and multi-tiers B/S framework is used.
  19. Location transparency means the consuming application of the pattern does not need to be aware of where the data is stored.
  20. Though on-demand pattern is of low cost and high scalability, the confidence and availability of data stored in the cloud remains major concerns. Meanwhile, it becomes very expensive to switch storage providers.

stored pattern

stored pattern


figure: 指呈现于整个表面的简单的几何图形或小型图案。
pattern: 一般指简单的重复图案,或整个装饰的格调或事物的布局,也指由一些相连图形拼成的较大图案。
design: 专指线条、轮廓、图案。强调设计的完美或有秩序。