stop gauge是什么意思 stop gauge在线中文翻译

stop gauge

stop gauge 双语例句

  1. On the instrument cabinet, there is power switch, start switch, stop pushbutton, main engine exhaust thermometer, lub oil pressure gauge, lub oil thermometer, cooling water thermometer, main engine revolution indicator, starting battery voltmeter, cooling water high temperature and lub oil low pressure alarm device; beside the gear box, there is working oil pressure gauge, lub oil thermometer, lub oil low pressure alarm, working oil low pressure alarm and lub oil high temperature alarm.
  2. Sometimes, the value of the printed on a flat brush wheel pressure too seriously, to gauge side must increase resistance paper La poorly in this case, you should set the oblato brush round of adjusting screw meanders by inverse rotation axis until the brush, and then press stop to pre-senile meanders turn 1~2 go, so that the brush can turn in the rotation on paper with the same ease even better.
  3. An exchange of automatic electric steam generator, steam sets, automatic control, into the water, with steam for one, and transistors figures show that the water level gauge alarm, automatic stop-pump high level and low level Overpressure and automatically disconnect the electric components such as circuit function.
  4. The main check-out facility includes: The Japanese three abundant table cards, number obviously Caliper, the number obviously altimeter, 0-500 in outside micrometers, commonly used pass stop the gauge, the sclerometer, Projecting apparatus, Marble Examination table and so on.
  5. If improperly phenomenon is not fatal, the machine will be able to adapt to, but not to do; if too long, and carry it in its mouth at both ends of the mouth are inconsistent or side gauge is too long, without prejudice to the use of upper case may take such strips of a stop-and-PS version of the method of disposal; if the side control is too short and hit location, should be to play effect positioning holes, once you use should be to students'computer; if the Sun is too short in its mouth, it can only try.
  6. Combined with the error identification model of the NC machine tools, the volumetric error identify model of the NC machine tools based on the three dimensional stop-gauge was introduced.
  7. It is proofed that the three dimensional stop-gauge have high precision in machine tools'volumetric error measuring.
  8. A error model for three axis NC machine tools is founded, and the characters of the three dimensional stop-gauge when it is used to measuring the machine tools'volumetric error are deeply discussed.
  9. Product series: connecting rod float liquid level switches, cable float level switch, mini float level switch, side mounted liquid level float switch, RF admittance level switches, magnetic level gauge flap, RF admittance Level Meter, float level gauge, pressure transmitter, level switch stop rotating, pneumatic bridge damage, air guns, signal acquisition cards and other products.

stop gauge

stop gauge


criterion: 较正式用词,指判断、批评事物的标准,但不一定制成了规章。
measure: 与standard基本同义,但多用于比喻,指衡量某事物的质量准则。
standard: 指公认为决定事物质量或人的品质的准则或原则。
gauge: 专指测量物体大小、厚度、直径等的标准规格。

pause: 指短暂的中断或停止,含再进行下去的意味。
stop: 普通用词,指迅速或突然中止某行为、活动或状态。
break: 非正式用词,指突然的或短时间的中止,如工作或活动期间接短暂休息。
interval: 指一出戏在幕与幕之间,音乐会上下串场之间或演出中预先安排的休息;也可泛指事件之间的一段时间。
cease: 正式用词,侧重逐渐结呸某活动或状态,含永远结束的意味。
recess: 正式用词,指业务活动或工作中短暂的或长时间的休息。
rest: 指统称的休息。

pause: 指暂时的、瞬间的停顿,隐含有再进行之意。
stop: 指动作、运行、进展等被停下来,含突然、断然的意味。
cease: 指逐渐、徐徐中止某种状态的存在。书面用词。
halt: 侧重突然地、决定性地终止、停止某一活动。
quit: 指最终彻底停止某事,有时暗示遭到失败或面临挫折。

stop: 多指公共汽车站,尤指中途停车站。
terminal: 指火车、公共汽车或飞机的终点(总)站。
station: 普通用词,一般指火车站或汽车站。