steam vessel是什么意思 steam vessel在线中文翻译

steam vessel

steam vessel 双语例句

  1. Pilot plant evaluations confirm the feasibility of high-consistency pulp washing using a pressure vessel charged with steam.
  2. There can be no fleet, if, beside the sailing ship, that plaything of the winds, for the purpose of towing it, in case of necessity, there is not the vessel which goes where it pleases, either by means of oars or of steam; the galleys were then to the marine what steamers are to-day.
    帆船是风的玩具,必要时还得加以拖曳,如果8 tt 没有凭借桡橹或蒸汽来供人指使的船舶,便谈不上舰队,当年海军的大桡船正如今天的汽船。
  3. There can be no fleet, if, beside the sailing ship, that plaything of the winds, and for the purpose of towing it, in case of necessity, there is not the vessel which goes where it pleases, either by means of oars or of steam; the galleys were then to the marine what steamers are to-day.
  4. In the paper, the model, including closure head of reactor pressure vessel and secondary manway of steam generator, was equivalent simplified for axisymmetric analysis and 3D finite element contact analysis, and it was also compared for each other. The different ways were discussed and compared for accomplishing bolt pretension in the structure.
  5. After stop boiler and drain out all the water, clean up with the inside of dirt, dry up with fire, open the access hole to discharge steam, then put about 6 kg 10-30mm calces or CaCL in basin and put it into the furnace, close the vessel, check by 3 month, if the drier loses effects, it must replace with new.
  6. The company occupies 60, 000 square meters, fixed assets 42, 770, 000 yuan, is mainly used in the production of large and medium-sized more than 100 sets of equipment for product quality testing equipment, advanced more than 60 sets of Silver City has a trademark of boilers, pressure vessels products 37 series, 167 specifications models, annual production capacity of more than 1000 up to the boiler steam tons, a second-class pressure vessel more than 500 sets.
  7. And moreover, let this be borne in mind, it is only a question here of the military vessel of forty years ago, of the simple sailing-vessel; steam, then in its infancy, has since added new miracles to that prodigy which is called a war vessel.
  8. Thus, to make the pre-order of raw material for reactor vessel and steam generator is very important to ensure the construction schedule for AP1000 passive ALWR. The way of pre-order is the procurement strategy to solve an extremely urgency.
  9. The tall vessel allows natural circulation with a core exit steam quality of 1/3 of that typical for a BWR.
  10. The hot gas duct of China 500 MW Pilot High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor connects the reactor pressure vessel and the steam generator. The hot gas duct is the main passage of the helium from the reactor core to the steam generator.
    500 MW高温气冷堆示范电站的反应堆压力容器与蒸汽发生器通过热气导管连接,热气导管是反应堆堆芯出口氦气导入蒸汽发生器的主要通道。
  11. His home-sickness had quite slipped away from him, and for the moment he was the skipper of the canary-coloured vessel driven on a shoal by the reckless jockeying of rival mariners, and he was trying to recollect all the fine and biting things he used to say to masters of steam-launches when their wash, as they drove too near the bank, used to flood his parlour-carpet at Home.
  12. High temperature pipes for boiler water-cooling wall, economizer, reheater and steam pipeline, low temperature and pressure vessel pipes.
  13. The major aging problems in a PWR plant and their assessment technologies were summarized as the radiation embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel materials, thermal aging of cast stainless steel, stress corrosion cracking of steam generator tubing and metal fatigue in primary circuit of a PWR plant.
  14. After the termination of copolymerization, the copolymer solution was steam-stripped continuously in an agitated vessel, and then the rubber crumbs obtained were dewatered and dried in a single screw extruder-expander machine and finally cutted into granular product.
  15. This paper reviewed the Water conditions in primary coolant of PWR nuclear power plant, determined that the material corrosion of pressure vessel, piping, steam generator in high temperature and high pressure water was an important factor of affect plant safety.
  16. Study on the Testing about the Pressure Vessel of Steam Sterilizer
  17. Integrated intermediate heat exchanger (IHX) and steam generator (SG) can decrease a pressure vessel and a hot gas duct, as well, increase safety features and economy features.
  18. Such as the main pipe of nuclear power station, it is large pipe with thick wall, connecting the steam generator and reactor pressure vessel. Its quality affects the safety of nuclear power station.
  19. Steam Boiler Safety Technology Supervisory Specification 》 and 《 Pressure Vessel Safety Technology Supervisory Regulation 》's Requirements for products quality and brief explanation
  20. If engineers are unable to cool a damaged fuel core, enriched uranium can melt into a pool of radioactive lava. The meltdown can burn its way out of the containment vessel or send radioactive steam out through cracks in the system.

steam vessel

steam vessel


vapour: 与steam常可换用,多用于科体文章中,指临界温度下气态的物质。
steam: 通常指作为动力的蒸汽或水沸腾后产生的蒸汽或水汽。

craft: 船只的集合名词,但可指单独的船只。
vessel: 多指运货或运人的大船。
ship: 含义广,一般指大轮船,如航海船只,内河航运船只。
canoe: 指长而轻,用桨的小舟、独木船。
steamer: 指靠蒸汽发动机为动力的船只。
boat: 泛指任何大小的船只,尤指靠划桨或风帆行进的无篷小船。

motorway(free way,express way): 高速公路;
vessel: 血管,管道,一般指细小管道;
pavement(sidewalk): 街道两旁的人行道;
highway: 通常指市区外可以通行各种机动车辆的交通干线;
route: 路线,航线;path:乡间小路,公园小径;
trail: 指人或兽在森林、荒野或山中踩出的小径或崎岖小道
street: 尤指城市中的道路;
way: 可指各种路、道或通道,也可指抽象的道路、方法;
road: 广阔平坦的大道,多指公路;
channel: 海峡,渠道,管道;
lane: 指农村或城镇的小道或小径,也指小巷;