statistics of fixed assets是什么意思 statistics of fixed assets在线中文翻译

statistics of fixed assets

statistics of fixed assets 双语例句

  1. The scope of their work duties, including the preparation of documents, registration of accounts, preparation of financial statements, tax returns Xiangshuiwujiguan, filling send statistics; responsible for raw materials, fixed assets between accounts, wages, and other personnel costs and cost accounting Statistical indicators of sales, accounting, and so on.
  2. Also includes fixed assets, goods in custody of the work of statistics to resolve customer complaints, internal staff communication working relationship and so on.
  3. Statistics and Analysis on the Relationship between the Investment of Fixed Assets and Economic Growth in China Based on ARDL Model
  4. It interpreted the role from the five perspectives namely the revenue and expenditure, fixed assets investment, border trade, to support the development of the less populated nation and improve the residents'income, combining with the specific statistics discussed.

statistics of fixed assets 单语例句

  1. The fixed assets investment total for May has not yet been officially reported by the National Bureau of Statistics.

statistics of fixed assets

statistics of fixed assets


resources: 指在需要时可以动用的财产,包括国家土地、矿藏、水力等自然资源或个人的存款及其他财产。
assets: 法律和商业用词,指包括全部动产和不动产的资产。
goods: 含义较窄,主要指个人动产。
wealth: 普通用词,含义广。既可指大笔的钱财或物质财富,也可指抽象的精神财富。
property: 含义较estate宽,指个人或团体合法拥有的财产,包括动产与不动产,或临时的财产。
estate: 多指地产或建在地面上的房产。