standard test output是什么意思 standard test output在线中文翻译

standard test output

standard test output 双语例句

  1. The output key-stream sequence is proved to be excellent by passing through the FIPS 140-2 standard randomness test.
    提出一种改进的基于多混沌映射的流加密算法,使产生的密钥流序列具有更高的安全性,并且通过FIPS 140-2标准的随机性能测试。
  2. Electric valve should ensure that the required pressure can be a two-way operations (traffic is gradually increasing or decreasing), a point of moving the regulation of the amount of 0.1/s is appropriate; At the test site and the control room should have the pumps and engines, gear boxes operating parameters are displayed in order to ensure safe and reliable operation; When the pump is not the case of check valve, pressure gauges should be set up before the valve, to avoid instrument damage caused by the event of a vacuum; Strong and weak should be separated to avoid mutual interference and affect measurement accuracy; Measurement of water pump bearing temperature, due to rotating parts from the past, it is appropriate magnetic temperature probe, so as not to hurt testing personnel; Where possible, use regulator devices to improve pressure measurement accuracy; The output signal of the second instrument should adopt the same pattern, the same standard output signal range, ease with the collector, the computer interface connected to: Automatic measurement, telemetry data is entered through secondary data collection instrument transmission device.
  3. Digital business card printing and membership card making usually 1 part business card printing and membership card to make a specimen of a second, with a standard test detection debugging to a production business card printing and membership card production, direct modified the customer is not satisfied with defects, facilitate timely, unlike traditional business card printing and membership card processing technology, including output, electro-piecewisely, imposition, PS, compared to students'computer work and saves time and reduces the part of the production cost.
  4. The parameter of the plane distance between the surface intersection point of a standard sample block and the contact spot of a test sample wafer is determined in advance, the computer control platform sends a positioning command, the motion control unit receives and feeds back the positioning command and converts the command into a control voltage command output to control the precision positioning unit, and the feedback unit feeds back the distance information of the precision positioning unit to the motion control unit; then the computer control platform unit sends a contact pressure command and a test command, and the contact resistance test unit begins the contact resistance test, thereby realizing the precision positioning and repositioning of the contact spot in a contact area and also realizing automatic continuous test of the contact resistance under the multipoint and multi-contact-pressure condition.
  5. In Dr. Huang Limin, chairman and general manager of the personal leadership, brought together more than 50 scientific research personnel at home and abroad, after many years, multi-level system test successfully developed with independent intellectual property rights for the diesel vehicle exhaust emissions treatment of silicon carbide honeycomb ceramic wall-flow particulate filter, and product performance can be achieved in Europe, V standard, the current company production capacity has grown to an annual output of 500, 000 liters.
  6. For a wider range of output power levels to test active devices and components, Option 1E1 adds a 60-dB step attenuator as a standard feature, which extends the lowest power-level setting to -60 dBm.
    为更广泛的输出功率水平,以测试有源器件和组件,选择1e1增加了60分贝步衰减器作为标准功能,它扩展了最低功耗级别设置为-60 dBm的。
  7. For a wider range of output power levels to test active devices and components, option 1e1 adds a 60-db step attenuator as a standard feature, which exte nds the lowest power-level setting to -60 dbm.
    为更广泛的输出功率水平,以测试有源器件和组件,选择1e1增加了60分贝步衰减器作为标准功能,它扩展了最低功耗级别设置为-60 dbm的。
  8. While based on temperature measurement with platinum resistor, the comparison test regards strain gauge as platinum resistor to apply in temperature measuring circuit, and controls non-standard safety barrier to accept the range of input signal and to make input have a linear relation to output, to amplify strain effects.
  9. The test result indicates that at the acoustic frequency of 1~30 kHz, compared with the standard piezo-acoustic hydrophone, the frequency response of the FBG hydrophone is very flat and the SNR of output signal is good. The improved measures are in effect.
  10. Using the output and input characteristics when system measures the length of the tested objects with two-standard, the instrument can guarantee the test precision of system.
  11. Based on the standard relay output module and ATX power supply, the auto-switching test platform and the testing control software of host controller and digital signal processing sub-system are designed.
  12. The standard conventional transformers are needed for the calibration of the electrical transducers, the analog output of the electromagnetic transformer is converted to digital signals by the reference A/D convert, and then the signals are compared with the test signal.
  13. Last, the system will output test program, standard operation procedure, equipment list and test coverage of this motherboard.
  14. By far the most commonly used method is to use the given paper and ink printed various types of standard paper printing press test, determine the printing process conditions, with a special tool to read the test tables on each color block of data for a table showing the building to find the optimal printing press of the output process to maximize the printing color space, as well as to establish a predictable printing conditions, this is the earliest attempt to color management, the mature color management technology provides a lot of help.

standard test output

standard test output


criterion: 较正式用词,指判断、批评事物的标准,但不一定制成了规章。
measure: 与standard基本同义,但多用于比喻,指衡量某事物的质量准则。
standard: 指公认为决定事物质量或人的品质的准则或原则。
gauge: 专指测量物体大小、厚度、直径等的标准规格。

examination: 通常指为检查学生知识或能力而举行的正式考试,有时也指临时考试。
test: 多指有具体目的的临时性考试或小考。
quiz: 指时间较短,随时进行的口头或书面的非正式测验。
exam: 系examination的缩略形式,口语用词,通俗。

test: 普通用词,含义广,指用科学方法对某物质进行测试以估价其性质或效能等。
experiment: 多指用科学方法在实验室内进行较系统的操作实验以验证、解释或说明某一理论、定理或某一观点等。
trial: 指为观察、研究某事物以区别其真伪、优劣或效果等而进行较长时间的试验或试用过程。
try: 普通用词,多用于口语或非正式场合,指试一试。