standard of behavior是什么意思 standard of behavior在线中文翻译

standard of behavior

standard of behavior 双语例句

  1. Since 2001, shanghai petrifaction sale supplies a company to purchase the requirement that supplies reform of centralized management system in the light of Shanghai petrifaction goods and materials, the domain is purchased to begin efficiency in goods and materials censorial, its cut a point is education of base oneself upon, have sth in mind is on guard, aggrandizement monitoring, firm is caught investigate, want already from strengthen goods and materials to purchase business personnel clean-fingered self-discipline conduct propaganda teachs proceed with, want to have the tie of system of strict and impartial procurement control of goods and materials and working flow again, purchase goods and materials of regulations system standard to purchase operation behavior with goods and materials, at the same time aggrandizement goods and materials purchases measure of each link monitoring, achieve goods and materials to purchase thereby...
  2. To evaluate the vehicle steering stability accurately and to establish its precise evaluation standard, a real time vehicle test system based on the INS/RTKDGPS combined navigation was proposed in the light of the velicle dynamic driving behavior. The system can be applied in the vehicle field test to measure the vehicle movement states real-timely.
  3. To evaluate the vehicle steering stability accurately and to establish its precise evaluation standard, a real time vehicle test system based on the INS/RTKDGPS combined navigation was proposed in the light of the velicle dynamic driving behavior. The system can be applied in the vehicle field test to measure the vehicle movement states realtimely.
  4. The morals and law are the two important kinds of social standard to adjust people's behavior and keep the civil order.
  5. Crown penannular jade ring entrusts lawyer Li Changqing to think, at present Baidu has exceeded 50% far in market share of home, the capacity that its market controls a position already establish, to a few websites ban, it is the behavior that abuses the market to control a position, suggest to execute the law the search technology regulation that the orgnaization uses to Baidu and search process undertake investigating; Establish search technology standard and standard of search market service, aggrandizement leaves the government that props up a service to the search; Instruct Baidu to stop its to abuse the market to control a position to ban the illegal behavior of other website, be in in order to fine.
  6. When Yellow Emperor was in power, because of his ambition and the different standard of behavior set up by each other, Yellow Emperor fought fiercely against Chiyou in Zhoulu.
  7. The adjusted relative risk (95% confidence interval) of MI associated with each standard deviation increase in anxiety variable was 1.37 (95% CI 1.12 to 1.68) for psychasthenia, 1.31 (95% CI 1.05 to 1.63) for social introversion, 1.36 (95% CI 1.10 to 1.68) for phobia, 1.42 (95% CI 1.14 to 1.76) for manifest anxiety, and 1.43 (95% CI 1.17 to 1.75) for overall anxiety. These relationships remained significant after further adjusting for health behaviors (drinking, smoking, and caloric intake), medications for hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes during follow-up and additional psychologic variables (depression, type A behavior, hostility, anger, and negative emotion).
  8. Infringement object is the public property property rights and the national cultivation of clean government system, it is same with other infringement property crime, has certain amount standard, the amount size is indicated its behavior the society harms the degree weight the important symbol, is a discretion of punishment basic criterion.
  9. There is no effective way to change the behavior of Standard algorithms as desired.
  10. Jing Quan Thoughts is a unity of moral's principle and flexibility, it refers that people are supposed to follow the moral standard or principles, and under certain circumstances people have the right to change moral behavior.
  11. This paper analyzes corporate investment behavior in a credit market with asymmetrically informed lenders and borrowers and costly state verification. In a standard lending model, we replicate the results of Stiglitz and Weiss (1981) that there exist equilibrium rationing and/or redlining in credit markets.
  12. The system rules can be outlined as two parts. The firstpart stipulates a specific obligation for the owner of intellectual property reted to the technology standard. The secondpart stipulates the inspection and punishment measures for the monopoly behavior in making and implementing the tech-nology standard.
  13. This finding is consistent with consumer preferences being characterized by proper risk aversion (Pratt and Zeckhauser, 1987), standard risk aversion (Kimball, 1993) and risk vulnerability (Gollier and Pratt, 1996) which are the necessary and sufficient conditions of the optimal risk-taking behavior in the presence of background risk.
    主要实证结果显示所得风险愈高其风险趋避程度亦愈高,表示样本家计单位偏好符合Pratt and Zeckhauser (1987)之适当风险趋避,Kimball (1993)之标准风险趋避,和Gollier and Pratt (1996)之风险脆弱性等理论之充分条件及必要条件。
  14. Teachers should have a certain professional standard and quality, Their behavior is a sample of primary school students, teacher's own professional standards to accept a direct impact on the ability of primary school students, so this point is also very important.
  15. During the education process of Terakoya, Sisyou taught knowledge and behavior standard to the new generation by pedagogical activity and made them competent their social role.
  16. A kind of social consciousness moral belongs to, it is in certain social condition, people's behavior standard adjustment between the sum and standards.
  17. Microsoft's Bill Gates is largely responsible for the boom of American economy and high technology utilization of world; the former president Bill Clinton, who was bogged into trouble because of his unsocialized behavior, established a new ethical standard for politicians; Sequoya, who was recognized as eccentric because of his strange ideas and deeds during his early life, helped the preservation of culture, tradition and history of Cherokee, which became the only tribe of Indians.
  18. Using Michael Porter`s Diamond Model to analyze the competitive advantage of Phalaenopsis industries between Taiwan and Holland, we find that both countries have obvious cluster effect but different contents of competitive advantage because of the entirely different geography and industrial environment. Geographic position is a key advantage to Holland, although it is a basic element only. Holland also has obvious advantages of market scale, purchasing power, efficiency of auction and logistic, brand strategy, automation, standard establishing and relative advantage of regulations, owner`s scale, product quality, standardized technical, consumer behavior, market segmentation, seedling quality, greenhouse technical, promotion activities, price transparency, healthy seeding.
    应用Michael Porter的钻石模型分析台湾及荷兰蝴蝶兰产业之竞争优势,显示二者均有明显群聚效应现象,惟因台荷之地理位置、产业环境截然不同,二者之竞争优势关键因素之结构亦有悬殊差异;荷兰的地理位置虽是最初级的生产要素条件,却是极重要的优势;此外市场规模、国民消费购买力、拍卖场的运作功能及所连结之通路物流系统、品牌行销、高度的自动化、规格标准制定能力等均具有较台湾明显的优势;在政府法令规定、业者经营规模、产品品质、标准化栽培技术、消费文化、与国际市场产品区隔性、种苗品质、温室工业水准、行销展示活动、价格透明化机制、健康种苗等各方面荷兰亦具有相对的优势。
  19. In this process, the market some of the non-standard behavior, still exist.
  20. To the definition of manners, Chinese think that the etiquette is the common behavior standard that all the members must obey, and its purpose is to maintain the normal living order of the society.

standard of behavior

standard of behavior


conduct: 较正式用词,泛指某人的行动。侧重根据社会道德标准和责任感。
behavior: 普通用词,侧重指某人在特定场合对他人或在他人面前的行为、举止。
manner: 主要用来指人的习惯行为。

criterion: 较正式用词,指判断、批评事物的标准,但不一定制成了规章。
measure: 与standard基本同义,但多用于比喻,指衡量某事物的质量准则。
standard: 指公认为决定事物质量或人的品质的准则或原则。
gauge: 专指测量物体大小、厚度、直径等的标准规格。