spice mixture是什么意思 spice mixture在线中文翻译

spice mixture

spice mixture 双语例句

  1. She boiled them, and sifted them, and mixed them with eggs and sugar and milk and spice; then she lined some plate with puff paste, filled them with the mixture, and set them in the oven to bake.
  2. Bouquet: An enticing mixture of ripe plum, blackberry, aniseed, spice with a hint of black pepper. Dark chocolate and black coffee characters add to the wines charm.
  3. Blend the mince, spice mixture and egg well using your hands.
  4. Fresh Dalian abalone, nature Yunnan mushroom, handmade meatball……the seafood sauce here were divide into two flavor: a general seafood sauce available in most restaurant, you can add spices on your favor like onions, garlic, a mixture sauce stewed by Thai chill, seafood, import spice, special broad-bean sauce and chilli sauce, a truly unique seafood hot pot.
  5. She flavors her laab not with spice paste but with ground chili, a powdered spice mixture heavy on the prickly ash, and fish sauce; her laab is chunkier - the meat and'parts'cut into larger pieces - than most, and it's studded with plenty of generously sized pieces of crackling.
    她偏好于撒磨碎的干辣椒粉而不是辣椒酱来为她的laab khua增味,这种辣椒粉是由磨粉的辣椒混合令人产生刺痛感的灰状物质和鱼的酱汁调配而成;她家的laab更为大块-肉和所带的其他部分都被切成了大块-和大部分比较而言,而且搭配了极为慷慨分量的脆皮。

spice mixture 单语例句

  1. A special mixture of chilli and spice is used inside the fish, and really enhances the taste.
  2. While curry is actually a mixture of any number of spices, one main spice in most curry is turmeric.

spice mixture

spice mixture


compound: 特指两种或多种元素构成的化合物。
blend: 侧重混合成分之间的类似和整个混合物的统一性。
combination: 指相混元素的紧密结合,但不一定的是融合。
mixture: 普通用词,指不同类种、性质不同的事物的混合。
composite: 通常可与compound换用,但倾向于指人为的或偶然的结合或凑合。