solid isotherm是什么意思 solid isotherm在线中文翻译

solid isotherm

solid isotherm 双语例句

  1. A method to calculate quantitatively the adsorption volume or adsorption space of per mass of adsorbent derived from both the adsorbed molecule volume and the maximum adsorbance of a solute in an adsorption isotherm under a given experimential condition is presented firstly for a solid /liquid adsorption system of the solute in a dilute aqueous solution.
  2. The optimized value of α=12.7, which is the stiffness parameter in exponential 6 potential function used for describing the compression behavior of dense helium, is determined by means of molecular dynamics simulation and makes comparison with the experimental isotherm of solid helium.
  3. From the surface pressure-area isotherm, it has been found that the true monolayer could be formed for the short chain derivatives, while multilayer structures for the long ones. All of the Langmuir films could be transferred to solid substrate.
  4. From the surface pressure-area isotherm, it has been found that the true monolayer could he formed for the shod chain derivatives, while multilayer structures for the long ones. All of the Langmuir films could be transferred to solid substrate.
  5. A new system for the determination of binary gas solid adsorption isotherm with chromatography was established.
  6. Consequently, the batch tests should be conducted using a sufficiently high soil-solid concentration in order to obtain isotherm parameters close to the field situation.
  7. The isotherm of lycopene at air-water interface did not show characteristics of solid-film even for the molecular area up to 0.1? nm~2, for lack of any polar group in its molecule.
  8. Calculation and isotherm adaptation of gas-solid adsorption equilibrium of complicated components
  9. The developed method was used to detect organic acid in seawater condition. A new type of adsorbed exchange isotherm in solid pellet was obtained.
  10. In the cooling phase, the nugget instantly change to solid state, the isotherm remains the ellipse contraction, and the temperature gradient gradually flatten.
  11. π - A isotherm and dynamic elasticity measurements indicated that the monolayer was more condensable than that on pure water due to the electrostatic interaction between AA and Ru (II) ions and would aggregate in solid-like state.
  12. Simulation results along the sub critical isotherms show characteristics of a smooth small system loop in the gas/liquid phase transition region, which is similar to the known loop like isotherm in the solid/liquid phase transition region.

solid isotherm

solid isotherm


solid: 着重质地紧密、坚实和无间隙,含有在外部压力下仍可保持原有形状的意味。
firm: 侧重指质地坚硬、不易切割或有弹性,一旦变形会很快恢复原形。
hard: 侧重有抗拒压力或拉力的性质,但不一定有弹性。