soh是什么意思 soh在线中文翻译

SOH 英 [səʊ] 美 [soʊ]

SOH 词典解释

形容词Start-Of-Heading (信息)标题开始信号

SOH 网络解释

  1. 段开销
    ...关键词:同步数字传输体系(SDH) E1映射器 段开销(SOH) 通道开销(POH) 指针调整同步数字传输体系(SDH)从其诞生至今已有近10年的历史,并以其各方面优越性迅速地成为通信网络的骨干网络....
  2. 报头开始
    ......报头开始(SOH)用于标记数据包中的非数据部分--即含有地址和其他内务数据报文的部分. 正文开始(SOT)标记报头的结束和正文的开始. 正文结束(EOT)标记报文数据的结束. 标准的常规是在正文结束符之前的两个字符处填入报文的校验和或CRC....
  3. 标题开始
    ...SYN 空转同步 | SOH 标题开始 | FF 走纸控制...
  4. 区段开销
    ...SOHO 小办公室、家庭办公室 | SOH 区段开销 | SNR 信噪比...
  5. abbr. start of header; 序始字符
  6. abbr. state of health; 检测蓄电池的劣化程度
  7. abbr. serials online holdings; 期刊线上馆藏格式
  8. abbr. scheduled outage hours; 计划停运小时数

SOH 双语例句

  1. The separation properties of amino acids mixtures on the new products of strong acid ion exchange fiber PP-g-St-SO3H and amphoteric ion exchange fiber PP-g-4VP-SOH3 prepared by us were investigated and compared with that on relative ion exchange resin.
  2. Let us thank Rev Soh for proclaiming God`s word today.
  3. He is the Rev Soh Guan Kheng.
  4. Part of Soh's mission will be to help raise SND's profile in Asia.
  5. Patrick Soh, 56, said people there enjoy the novelty of the food and environment in his restaurant.
  6. Where WANTED member Soh Jae Ho (23) was killed and 7 members of the two groups recieved major and minor injuries.
  7. Just saw Soh making his Fish a few days ago, So itching hand I started off
  8. In view of its program being an applied science SOH puts exceptional emphasis and efforts on enriching students with practical experiences.
  9. Weiming Soh annouced the plans of FAW-VW to adjust sales network and introduce new product next year.
  10. Unlike other mainstream MMORPG's, Vanguard SOH requires that players have more than just the right materials present in order to craft an item.
  11. Even as I had to put on hold my plan for an additional office space due to an unforeseen circumstance, Mr Soh showed empathy and understanding.
  12. Cavin Soh wants to compete with Christopher Lee!
  13. Cavin Soh has a tumor on his neck? !?
  14. Soh is an eligible voter and granted her right to vote under the Federal Constitution and it would be unjust and unreasonable to deny students the right to exercise their civil liberties in what our government call a democratic society.
  15. Zodakara Eka Zodakare ad Zodameranu. zodakara人Ekazodakare专zodameranu. ado Kikle Qaa Piap Piamoel od Vaoan.拖kikle的QAALaX3-PIAP-H2Ovaoanpiamoel外径. Oh-ell soh-noof vay-oh-air-sah-jee goh-hoh ee-ah-dah bahl-tah. Elex- ar-pay-hay Co-mah-nah-noo Tah-bee-toh-ehm. Zohd-ah-kah-rah ehkah zohd-ah-kah-ray oh-dah zohd-ahmehr-ah-noo oh-doh kee-klay kah-ah pee-ah-pay pee-ah-moh-ehl oh-dah vay-oh-ah-noo.
  16. Mr. Weiming Soh, Chairman of Volkswagen Imports, said Multivan would soon be imported to China, together with Volkswagen's convertible model EOS.
  17. Look~pretty good, right!
  18. Soh also said the company is finalising deals with its partners in Germany and the UK to push the distribution of its alloy wheel trims produced in China.
  19. Prior to. NET4.5, we only balanced the SOH.
  20. But it was the Singapore fried noodles that betrayed Soh's culinary roots of great Singapore street food.

SOH 单语例句

  1. " The Internet will give Asian media a leg up over their Western counterparts, " said Soh.
  2. Soh did not reveal the joint venture's sales target for Audi cars this year.
  3. " There is a potential to develop this business over there, " said Patrick Soh.
  4. Soh said the move is expected to help the venture reduce its inventories.
  5. Soh from Singapore Press Holdings said new energy technology has enormous commercial potential in China.
  6. " Every day we are being told that China is eating your lunch, " Soh said.
  7. About 300 " minced beef and bread " are sold each day, said Soh.
  8. " There may be more certain news by the end of this year, " Soh added.


n. 全音阶的第5音
n. (Soh)人名;(东南亚国家华语)素;(朝)见 So
abbr. 标题开始符(Start-Of-Heading)
n the syllable naming the fifth (dominant) note of any musical scale in solmization