soft answer是什么意思 soft answer在线中文翻译

soft answer

soft answer 双语例句

  1. Answer: In accordance with the regulations, must use soft water boilers.
  2. Choose the person that feed content constitution deficiency of yin with irritability to answer to be given priority to in order to eat food of method of treating yin deficiency by reinforcing body fluid and nourishing the blood according to the constitution, wait like soup of lean lean, soft-shelled turtle, testacean food, lotus seed and tremella.
  3. That's a soft answer to a soft way to ask the question.
  4. That`s a soft answer to a soft way to ask the question.
  5. Understand your family and give them a soft answer.
  6. I will try my best to soft the answer.
    MY GOD~我该温哪科先呀。。。
  7. Most of the time if you will approach your spouse with a humble and soft answer, it will keep your spouse from becoming defensive Prov.
  8. Write a love letter, Share some treasure, Give a soft answer.
  9. I have no experience in doing this, but just to answer your very closed question, as no access to the network, the sniffed password may only be saved into CMOS-like space if it allows you to write, and if the hard disk is not destroyed but only soft formatted, some data may still be recoverred.
  10. The answer is the Buddhist way, which is to plant a Bodhi seed in each child while the soil of their mind is still fresh and soft to allow growth.
  11. This is the kind of societal environment our children are born into. How can we help them grow up with a pure mind like a lotus flower? The answer is the Buddhist way, which is to plant a Bodhi seed in each child while the soil of their mind is still fresh and soft to allow growth.
  12. A soft answer turns away warth; but grievous words stir up anger.
    Bible 柔声细语可以消除怒火,伤人的言语会激起愤怒。
  13. When bone joints and the attached soft tissues were injured, the minor shift of joints may happen, and then the contracture and shortening of muscle and ligaments will cause disorder of force balance and therefore result in high stress, which cause hyperosteogeny to occur. So hyperosteogeny is the result of counter regulation by human self-regulation mechanism. To some extent, it has a protective effect on our body and the method of spur excision is not an answer for the disease. Using chemicals to clean the spurs is not a good idea either. If the chemical works, it would also clean our bones away, because the chemical nature of spur is nothing but bone.
  14. He had a beautiful soft voice. People liked to listen to him. And he always had an answer.
  15. This chapter expounds the fact network business and network develop the existing problem now in Chengdu in detail, so as, prove the soft commutation substitute, remit necessity to answer office.
  16. What is soft and cuddly and will turn into your worst nightmare if you answer the question wrong?
  17. Whenever you give the right answer to one question, you could win one glass of soft drink valued at RMB30.
  18. A soft answer turneth away wrath.
  19. He did not answer; he did not need to: the gratitude in his big, soft eyes was more eloquent than any words could have been.
  20. I knew that the tone of her voice would be our answer: a soft and solemn tone would indicate that life goes on as usual, and a high pitched girly scream would mean our life would change forever.

soft answer

soft answer


gentle: 指温柔、亲切、优雅。常含有节制和意味。
moderate: 中性词,指温和稳健,有节制,不走极端。
tender: 和gentle意思很接近。指人的感情细腻、温情慈爱和有同情心,侧重心理素质。也可指物的柔嫩等。
mild: 用于人时,指天性温顺,脾气好,不放肆粗野;用于物时,主要指适度,程度上相当缓和给人以愉快感觉。
soft: 侧重柔软或安稳、光滑,使人不感到粗糙或严酷。

answer: 常用词,指用书面、口头或行动对他人的请求、询问、质问等作出回答或反应。
reply: 较正式用词,较少用于口语。侧重经过考虑的较正式答复。
respond: 正式用词,指即刻的,以口头或行动对外来的号召、请求或刺激等作出回答或响应。
retort: 指对不同意见、批评或控诉作出迅速、有力的回答,即“反驳”。
return: 正式用词,从本义“归来,回去”引申作“回答、答辨”讲时,含反驳或反唇相讥之意。

solve: 解决,解答。如:He solved all the problems in the exam.(他解出了所有试题。)solve的名词为solution,一般同to搭配。如:a solution to the problem
resolve: 表“解决”,“解答”是个正式用词。如:Have you resolved the problem yet?(你把问题解决了吗?)resolve还有“决定”,“下决心”等意思。
answer: 表“回答”,后面的宾语应是questions。