sodium depletion是什么意思 sodium depletion在线中文翻译

sodium depletion

sodium depletion 双语例句

  1. Sodium depletion can be used as a useful pathfinder to Dapingzhang VHMS deposit.
  2. Of the EH were sensitive to the salt loading and depletion of sodium by lasix. These patients could be classified into 3 groups who were sensitive to increase blood pressure (10.7%), decreased blood pressure (21.4%) and both (21.4%) respectively.
    250例(59.5%)的EH患者存在盐敏感,有升压敏感、降压敏感和升压、降压均敏感三种类型,分别为9/84(10.7%)、18/84(21.4%)和23/84(27.4%),50例盐敏感EH患者中有20例(40%)存在相对性低减型肾排钠反应[(48.3±5.2)∶(59.4±4.6) mmol,P<0.01]。
  3. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that sodium depletion increases circulating angiotensin levels which lead to a down-regulation of the angiotensin receptor located on adrenergic nerve varicosities.
  4. This modest amount of sodium bicarbonate prevents the potassium depletion and demineralization of bone.
  5. Salt and water depletion due to inability to conserve sodium in the TALH or DCT leads to activation of the RAAS and high aldosterone levels.
  6. The simultaneous treatment of rats with a low sodium diet plus captopril (50mg/kg/day for 7 days) prevented the attenuation of the angiotensin-induced enhancement of adrenergic neurotransmission seen by sodium depletion alone.
  7. At the end of experiment, the survival times after acute brain ischemia depletion of oxygen in breathing aie and sodium nitrite poisoning were measured.
  8. The simultaneous treatment of rats with a low sodium diet plus captopril (50mg / kg / day for 7 days) prevented the attenuation of the angiotensin-induced enhancement of adrenergic neurotransmission seen by sodium depletion alone.

sodium depletion

sodium depletion