sluggish flow是什么意思 sluggish flow在线中文翻译

sluggish flow

sluggish flow 双语例句

  1. The rapid and deep breathing increases the alveolar ventilation and stimulates the blood flow in the top of the lungs and those areas where blood circulation is sluggish and even dormant, giving a stimulating affect to the whole body.
  2. It shows in the research that the edible cactus contains plenty of protein, vitamin, carotin, and 18 kinds of aminophenol, which can reduce blood sugar and obviously reduce the content of blood Cholesterol and neutral fat, favorable to improvement of sluggish lymph flow and blood circulation, heat-clearing and detoxifying, metabolism enhancing and immunity strengthening.
  3. Whenever there is trouble again again I always tell myself: Do not become discouraged in the face of these difficulties should be brave the storms, the flow is not welcome is not how experiencing rain rainbow This difficulty Suan Dele what this is in my life encountered a just a small stumbling block, I can not eat a saying goes, a sluggish or depressed, long an intellectual, I should of failure is the motivation to learn courageously forward.
  4. Qi blood transporting weakness, where sluggish flow of blood stasis; Yin bright, blood loss-less, not set by circulating never can lead to blood stasis. Therefore, Qi venae stagnancy Diabetes is a major disease pathogenesis.
  5. This led the researchers to suggest that if the person stays in one position, the blood flow can become sluggish and stones (made from substances including calcium and magnesium may then form).
  6. This led the researchers to suggest that if the person stays in one position, the blood flow can become sluggish asnd stones (made from substances including calcium and magnesium) may then form.
  7. This led the researchers to suggest that if the person stays in one position, the blood flow can become sluggish1) and stones(made from substances including calcium2) and magnesium3))may then form.
  8. This led the researchers to suggest that if the person stays in one position, the blood flow can become sluggish1) and stones(made from su tances including calcium2) and magnesium3))may then form.
  9. Promoting orderly migration of people. The westward flow of population would have been far more sluggish.
  10. He found himself content to watch idly the sluggish flow of the turbid stream.
  11. The westward flow of population would have been far more sluggish.

sluggish flow 单语例句

  1. The diatom had spread swiftly from the rapid rise of temperatures, and the decreased volume and sluggish flow of water.

sluggish flow

sluggish flow


stream: 指水或其它液体从源头流出,不断地朝某一方向流动,可用作引申。
pour: 通常指从高向低或从上向下的急剧流动。也可作引申用。
flow: 侧重水继续不断地往前流,不关心其流量的大小和速度的快慢。
run: 指液体向任何方向流动,暗示比flow快而有力。