single pneumonia是什么意思 single pneumonia在线中文翻译

single pneumonia

single pneumonia 双语例句

  1. Alveolar cell carcinoma: originated in the bronchial mucosa, also known as bronchioloalveolar cell carcinoma or bronchioloalveolar adenocarcinoma, located in the lung field around the various types of lung cancer incidence rate for the lowest, females are more prevalent, the general degree of differentiation higher, slower growth, cancer cells along the bronchioles, alveolar duct and alveolar wall growth, without encroaching upon the alveolar septum, lymphatic and hematogenous metastasis occurs late, but can spread to another lobe bronchial or violation of the pleura, alveolar cell carcinoma In the form there are two types of nodular type and diffuse type, the former can be a single nodule or multiple nodules, which form similar to pneumonia, nodular lesions limited the scope of surgical resection better
  2. Result the result analyzed by single logistic regression shows that age, hematin, congenital heart disease, evaluation severity score are the risk factors related with severe pneumonia and heart failure.
  3. Multi-centered, Single-blind, Random Controlled Clinical Study on Qingfei Oral Liquid for 166 Children Cases with Respiratory Syncytial Virus Pneumonia
  4. The most common CT findings of fungal pneumonia was single sphere-like lesion (50.05%, 4/8), 3 cases had ground-glass opacity around them.
  5. The most common CT findings of fungal pneumonia was single sphere-like lesion (50.05 %, 4 / 8), 3 cases had ground-glass opacity around them.

single pneumonia

single pneumonia


unique: 非正式用词,侧重在一类中唯一无可匹敌、无与伦比的特征。
single: 语气较强,强调仅此一个,再无第二个。
only: 普通用词,常可与sole换用,但侧重仅限于指定的人或物,而不需要更多。
alone: 着重专指某人或某物,而不是别的。
sole: 语气强于only,指仅有一个或一群,只考虑这一个或这一群。

single: 指尚未结婚的人,但更多指终生不结婚的人。
virgin: 通常指未婚者,贞洁未被玷污的人,或指婚烟关系尚未完成者。
maiden: 与virgin含义相近,但更着重年轻与未婚,或未曾发生过任何两性关系。