simple pull是什么意思 simple pull在线中文翻译

simple pull

simple pull 双语例句

  1. A well-developed technology to the contemporary era, the traditional click-and pull-type lighting switches remains the main lighting switches, on the strength of their relatively simple structure, low price and convenience is the installation methodology, firmly occupy the market.
  2. Concavely took shape regarding the side uses the lifting gear to pull out the core organization and the simple reasonable cooling system.
  3. In general, small volume inverter mosfet inverter circuit, there the whole bridge with high frequency inverter circuits pressor push-pull inverter circuits, and will boost the circuit transformer neutral plug up in power, two power tube is alternant, output power, because get ac power transistor DeBian altogether, drive and control circuit is simple, because of the transformer has certain leakage, can limit the short-circuit current, thus improving the reliability of the circuit.
  4. These valves can be used for simple push-pull actuator, therefore, to avoid the usual ball and plug the complex required the cam lever.
  5. A very simple pull-up resistor and dc blocking capacitor complete the RF output stage.
  6. For these valves can be a simple push-pull operation of devices, therefore, to avoid the ball GATE VALVE CLASS 150Lb valves and plug valves are normally required by the complex of the cam lever.
  7. In fact, as long as no irritation with a simple oil (such as Vaseline, sheep oil, paraffin oil) and other objects used in the nasal vestibule cotton bud applied three or four times a day, especially before going to bed sooner or later and strengthened, and will allow the front of the nasal cavity of non-drying oil there is no鼻屎, this method can not only protect the nasal cavity, nasal secretions at the same time can not be caused by adhesion in the nasal vestibule鼻屎even children can be reduced by nasal itching and love the habit of digging鼻屎more reduce to pull the nasal vestibule nosebleeds caused by the situation, but鼻屎clear, if there are still nose, stuffy nose or nose, such as septic phenomenon, on medical treatment as soon as possible.
  8. To pull into a first-Yun Chang-yun, Duoyun without a head no tail, the simple painting.
  9. Storage cage structure characteristics: 1, unified specifications, capacity fixed deposit at a glance, easy-warehouse inventory; 2, can be used forklifts, elevators, cranes, stacking four each other, the realization of three-dimensional storage; 3, simple, widely used and long service life; 4, the use of powerful touch welding wire from the bottom to pull U-shaped channel steel reinforcement welding, structure even more solid; 5, with forklifts, car, hydraulic pallet trucks and other equipment, the applicable transportation, handling, loading and unloading, storage, logistics, such as the link; 6, matching hollow plate liner, the protection of the workpiece loading.
    仓储笼结构特点:1、规格统一、容量固定、存放一目了然,易于仓库清点; 2、可使用叉车、升降机、吊车,可互相堆垛四层,实现立体化存储; 3、操作简便、应用广泛、使用寿命长; 4、使用强力铁丝碰焊而成,底部以U型槽钢焊拉补强,结构更坚固; 5、配合叉车、台车、液压托盘车等设备,可适用运输、搬运、装卸、存储等物流各环节; 6、可选配中空板作衬垫,保护装载工件。
  10. The result is a simple pull-out bed that you`d never know was there by looking at the closed-up coffee table.
  11. If I find something up there blocking anything, I pull it out...simple.
  12. One simple measure would be to allow trucks to pull longer trailers, thereby increasing fuel efficiency.
  13. A: The keyboard is very simple repair, you can pull down button (not out keyboard requires a lot of effort, but Jin Qiao).
  14. The main production are: fire air respirator, long tube air breathing apparatus, fire to avoid the fire service, firemen fire protective clothing, fire fighting services, fire fighting command uniforms, fire the whole anti-chemical warfare suits sealed, simple anti-chemical suits, fire suits insulation, fire insulation electric service, fire gloves, fire helmets, firemen and fire-fighting protective boots, fire boots, high-altitude drop of life-saving relief, and the fire of life-saving air cushion, rescue lifting air cushion, aluminum alloy pull three staircases, fire belts, fire safety rope, plugging equipment, spark-free tools, fire respirator, pulse water cannons, smoke machines.
  15. The simple corn planter of the utility model makes use of the straight pipe, the spring opener and the spring pull rod to skillfully deliver and automatically bury the corn seeds into the soil.
  16. In this example, you use simple HTML tags to pull in icon images and jQuery to attach an anonymous function to that image.
  17. When the tester is used, the counter weight can be just sheathed with a small ring of a pull handle of the tester again, and the operation is simple, convenient and quick.
  18. That is simple. I can pull up my shirt.
  19. The utility model discloses a nail puller, which provides a nail puller of simple structure, convenient taken-with and utilization which can pull nail and clean the remained nail.
  20. A simple set-up has been designed to investigate the mechanism of pull-in of rolling faces of electromagnetic casting (EMC) slabs.

simple pull

simple pull


draw: 指将人或物朝出力者的方向拖,不涉及力的大小,含平稳意味,常作借喻用。
jerk: 指快而突然地拉。
tow: 特指用绳子或链条等拖或拉本身无动力或无法使用自身动力的东西。
pull: 最普通用词,包含本组其它各词的一些意思,可指朝各个方向拉,侧重一时或突然拉动的动作。
drag: 指沿斜坡而上或水平方向缓慢地拖或拉十分沉重的人或物。作借喻时可指把人硬拉扯过来。
haul: 指用力拖或拉,不涉及方向,多作航海用词。
tug: 多指一阵阵地用力拖或拉,但不一定使被拉的人或物移动。

silly: 口语用词,可和foolish互换,但语气稍强。侧重指人的言行不合常规或不理智,强调单纯、低能和糊涂。
dull: 指对问题理解迟钝,缺乏灵敏机智头脑,可能是先下智力低下,也可能因疲倦或健康不佳所致。
simple: 强调头脑简单或缺少智慧。
stupid: 多指人或行为的愚蠢,尤指先天智能低下,或因某种原因失去正常的反应或感觉。有时也可与silly和foolish换用,但语气强,常含贬义。
foolish: 一般指人的无头脑、愚蠢,或缺乏常识与判断力,或指行动的愚蠢可笑。

easy: 普通用词,指不需要花费太多精力的工作或事,在实际运用中常与simple换用。
simple: 普通用词,指不复杂、不难懂,从而容易被理解的事物。