sight leaf是什么意思 sight leaf在线中文翻译

sight leaf

sight leaf 双语例句

  1. I feel more like a citizen of the world at the sight of the palm-leaf which will cover so many flaxen New England heads the next summer, the Manilla hemp and cocoanut husks, the old junk, gunny bags, scrap iron, and rusty nails.
  2. The setting sun of the deep autumn, the remaining 辉静静 shines upon the face, I can't be fond of the 茫, can't be disappointed, having no the setting sun grandmother the gulf of Peng-hu, have no the years, such as song, , sunset such as blood of that is sad but beautiful, behind in glass window, I imitate the 佛 feels the autumnal winds blows the 凄 in body cold, imitate the leaf that 佛 come in sight of on the prowl that autumn float fall with helpless, is that so to have no to help, so of drift on water the not certain.
  3. Sees only, after several seconds, the huge explosive effect, causes with the Mars nearly same effect, facing the shock-wave entire hemisphere and the month hemisphere, instantaneous is illuminated all bright as snow, the tens of thousands of super nuclear bombs simultaneously fired interweave have formed an unprecedented huge protection illuminant shield, enough has covered half place month is the space, threw oneself the Japan Current with the front surface to launch unprecedented has confronted intensely with the struggle, two unabled to co-exist the impact tide, likely two waves initiated the distinction which finally charged to represent evil and the just influence battleline are same, two sharp could not be contained the frontal line, collided fast in together, in an instantThe electric light sparkles, the intense electric discharge phenomenon alternation in twists makes between group nebula during, likely the innumerable strip giant light dragon mutually pursues goes on patrol, the picture unusual magnificent sight shocks the heart door leaf!
  4. When you know the fourfoil in all its seasons root and leaf and flower, by sight and scent and seed, then you may learn its true name, knowing its being: which is more than its use.
  5. A leaf gently fell the line of sight.
  6. You see the king towering mountains, Ling Shan, Zhu Li Shan, got up on the mountain, stands a single and a white Juzhu, Pianpian huge round of the wind leaf in the wind rotation, sight.
  7. One day they came across a river, wondering where to beg for alms, when they caught sight of a fresh leaf of vegetable drifting down the river.
  8. This due to the death was a wonderful and a shocking sight, and one that I suppose few men have seen. And thus it ended. The scene of killing made most of the people tremble like a leaf
  9. The forest was already in full leaf. It was dusty, and so hot that at the sight of water one longed to bathe.
  10. The most breathtaking sight is Heavenly Lake (pictured above), which takes the interesting shape of a lotus leaf.
  11. A movable leaf, adjustable both vertically and laterally, was fitted into the rear sight.

sight leaf

sight leaf


catch sight of: 突然看到
observe: 观察,仔细地看, observe the stars
notice: 注意到,

sight: 普通用词,与eyesight同义,可换用,指由实实在在的事物引起的视觉。
vision: 书面用词,含义广泛,指人的视力或视野,也可指远见卓识。
perception: 指视觉,也可泛指其它器官的功能,或引申指敏锐的理解力。
eyesight: 普通用词,指眼睛的正常功能。

sight: 视力,眼界,情景,奇观
vision: 远见,想念力,洞察力,眼界
image: 形象,肖像,影像
scene: 景色,景象,舞台指像图画一样映入眼睛view或landscape,但不那么广泛,是整个风景中可以入画的一部分

sight: 侧重指旅游观光的风光,包括城市景色或自然风光景色。也指人造景物或奇特的景色。
scene: 指具体的、局部的或一时的景色,可以是自然形成的,也可人工造成的。
scenery: 指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景。
view: 普通和词,多指从远处或高处所见的景色。
landscape: 多指在内陆的自然风光。