shihkiachwang是什么意思 shihkiachwang在线中文翻译

Shihkiachwang 英 [ˌʃi:tʃjɑ:ˈtʃwæŋ] 美 [ˈʃɚˈkjɑˈtʃwɑŋ]

Shihkiachwang 双语例句

  1. The above research production has been used in the Shihkiachwang cigarette project, which proves that the manage strategies the paper presented are reasonable and practicable.
  2. In the base of the research of present status and trend of development of the modern project management, the principles, key techniques and their application in Shihkiachwang cigarette project are studied in the aspects of the prior period analyze, organization layout, scope layout and control.

Shihkiachwang [,ʃi:tʃjɑ:'tʃwæŋ]

见 Shijiazhuang