sherrington是什么意思 sherrington在线中文翻译


Sherrington 双语例句

  1. I have learned not too long ago, that one of my own scientific lineages, through the neurophysiologist Charles Sherrington, could be traced to Thomas Huxley, Darwin`s bulldog, a strong advocate of Darwinian ideas and a great intellectual in his own right.
    但我不久前得知,我自己的学术谱系之一,通过神经生理学家Charles Sherrington,一直可以追踪到赫胥黎。他不仅是达尔文思想的坚强鼓吹者,他自己也是一位伟大的智识分子。
  2. Darwin had no direct students, but I have learned not too long ago, that one of my own scientific lineages, through the neurophysiologist Charles Sherrington, could be traced to Thomas Huxley, Darwin's bulldog, a strong advocate of Darwinian ideas and a great intellectual in his own right.
    达尔文自己没有学生,但我不久前得知,我自己的学术谱系之一,通过神经生理学家Charles Sherrington,一直可以追踪到赫胥黎。他不仅是达尔文思想的坚强鼓吹者,他自己也是一位伟大的智识分子。

Sherrington ['ʃeriŋtn]

谢林顿(①姓氏 ②Sir Charles Scott, 1861-1952, 英国生理学家, 曾获1932年诺贝尔生理学-医学奖)
n English physiologist who conducted research on reflex action (1857-1952)