shellshock是什么意思 shellshock在线中文翻译


shellshock 双语例句

  1. The less obvious aspects of war and science-for example, the introduction of psychoanalysis into British medicine courtesy of shellshock-are given their due, as well as the central Faustian tragedy of the development of the atom bomb.
  2. But that will take time, as IT teams rush to work out which systems need updating, and Shellshock may be one of many vulnerabilities in the basic architecture of the internet.
  3. The Shellshock bug that has left vast swaths of the internet vulnerable to cyber criminals for more than 20 years highlights how the basic foundations of the network are not fit for the 21st century web, security experts have warned.

shellshock 单语例句

  1. They contended his court martial was unfair because officers did not take shellshock into consideration.

shellshock ['ʃelʃɒk]

n. 弹震症(士兵因战争而得的一种精神疾病)