sharp cash是什么意思 sharp cash在线中文翻译

sharp cash

sharp cash 双语例句

  1. Generated from operating activities net cash flow growth in the medium-term decline in 2003 based on continued sharp decline, financing activities generated net cash flow growth rate has increased in mid-2003 based on a substantial increase.
  2. Some of the sharp cutting-edge technology platform ensure the application of the rich, the rich technology platform and effective application of improved search engine's core values, for the harvest or development of new applications to provide a stable cash flow.
  3. However Scolding aside, if you are prepared to buy lot, I still advise you not to cash-and not expect prices to fall, particularly not expect the sharp fall in property prices.
  4. But the additional point they make is that a sharp slowdown in credit - for instance, one intended to reduce the risks of the earlier lending boom - could itself produce many new bad loans by leaving half-done projects strapped for cash.
  5. That meant sharp cutbacks, especially in education, which in California is unusually dependent on state cash.
  6. Analysis, as a result of the overall listing of Pangang program for convertible investors are unwilling to provide the cash option, and when the secondary market price is lower than the cash option when the existence of arbitrage space, so the trend of the normal price should be in cash right to choose the narrow space under the shock, and in line with the overall listing of the implementation of time and gradually approaching to the right to choose the price of cash around, so sharp fall is far from normal unless it is listed as a whole appears variable.
  7. Project manager in the case of a shortage of senior real estate professionals, also followed salary increase, according to a Beijing foreign invested enterprises Tai Wo enterprise management Consultants Limited issued the latest property remuneration report shows that Beijing's real estate industry overall total remuneration in 2003 after the sharp rise still maintained steady growth, and show larger increase, the survey showed, Beijing's real estate industry in the total level of cash remuneration of the former manager of the 10 top positions, the median annual salary of the Senior Legal Adviser to the value of 174438 yuan, ranking first.
  8. Grateful for the many small and medium enterprises in Guangdong, the current world financial crisis is that they panic all day, not only by the sharp decline in orders for foreign trade enterprises, at the end of the pressure of an imminent cash flow, for the possible transformation of value-added tax, tax breaks, they have no time to attend.
  9. Demand for cash is driven first by a sharp rise in uncertainty – Keynes's precautionary motive.
  10. Less than 5 per cent of Chinese domestic equity funds beat their benchmark in the first quarter, because managers were forced to hold an unusually high level of cash to cope with a sharp rise in fund flow volatility.
  11. If you go to the very, very bottom of the line, a cash register, you can buy one from sharp, Panasonic for $ 300 dollars to $ 600 dollars.
  12. In addition keeping our calculating skills sharp, cash can actually be safer to use than debit cards.
  13. He has lived through two world wars. The not-so-bad news is that the new battle for the Net is between two well-oiled machines, with lots of cash and plenty of incentive to innovate and keep their competitive edges sharp.
  14. The news caused a sharp sell-off in the Swiss franc, which suffered its largest intraday move in more than three months as investors speculated that inflows into Swiss cash accounts could be stemmed.

sharp cash 单语例句

  1. Large amounts of cash withdrawn from credit cards through irregular means has also greatly contributed to the sharp rise in default rates.

sharp cash

sharp cash


sharp: 指人头脑精明、敏锐或机警。
keen: 多指对复杂艰深的事物或问题有敏锐的观察和敏捷的理解。
acute: 侧重感觉敏锐,能分辨出一般人难以觉察的细微区别。
shrewd: 指有头脑,善于判断分析,精明过人。

coin: 指铸造的硬币。
cash: 特指立即可以兑现的现金或现款。
money: 钱的通称,可以是硬币可以是纸币,也可指用作货币的其它物品。
currency: 指在流通中的货币,是全部流通中通货的总称,也可指纸币。