setting piece是什么意思 setting piece在线中文翻译

setting piece

setting piece 双语例句

  1. Golden autumn wind delivered curls darkly fragrant comes in frost chrysanthemum to offer is fragrant one season to kiss setting sun afterglow to like overflowing gentle eye pupil to look at four wild serene the fervor to fly verse to listen to Yellow River to carry innumerable misery history view river sand heavy to accumulate how many recollection sores all over the eye is piece by piece your old times'appearance childhood difficult leaves behind brand mark which did not extinguish wind frost and snow rain the half century to assault deep pool far class long fiveMillennium civilization's trail historical perpetual flow tumbles former days heroic great waves time string to play an instrument and sing today magnificent melody the motherland, I for your proud worked as the palatial engraved pillar, let the tall and straight stature put on the dawn, worked as grand Tiananmen, lets the wind and cloud welcome Dongsheng sun.
  2. Her basic message is routine with plenty of fun - she includes along the way lots of ideas for making mealtimes, for example, less stressful (having the child decorate their place setting themselves), organising messy children (make them clear up at the same time each day with a signature piece of music).
  3. The final piece you need to create is a setting mechanism.
  4. This project is the design of the overall and the piece educing setting unit of the spiral tubular Gluten machine.
  5. This project is the design of the overall and the piece educing setting unit of the spiral tubular Gluten machine. It mainly
  6. You will want to gently iron your piece on a medium setting to remove any creases or wrin k les.
  7. You will want to gentl y iron y our piece on a medium setting to remove an y creases or wrinkles.
  8. Before, he said, the party controlled every single piece of media, but then Chinese began logging onto discussion boards and setting up blogs, and it was as if a bell jar had lifted.
  9. A piece of scenery intended to stand alone as part of the stage setting.
  10. Open valve fully to its memory setting and, on a piece of paper, record the valve setting.
  11. Open the valve fully to its memory setting and, on a piece of paper, record the valve setting.
  12. You will want to gently iron your piece on a me d ium setting to remove any creases or wrinkles.
  13. Products are widely used in: food and beverage industry: all kinds ofmachine brush, mushroom brush washing machine, hair brush go miscellaneous, washing brush fruit machine textile printing and dyeing industry: a variety of setting machine round brush, needle plate, chain, cloth folder, singeing machine brush, sanding machine brush, brush machine brush, comb brush, brush frame leather shoe:¤brush machine, meat cutting machine brush, polishing brush playing rough brown aluminum wheel machine, grinding machine round of horse hair, wool wheel, sideburns Pig wheels, glue solar brush, polishing wheel with cotton, cotton piece, over-powder brush machine woodworking furniture industry: sanding machine brush, polishing cloth round, brown-brush environmental protection industry: all kinds of road vehicles sweep brush, floor cleaning machine glass industry brush: brush cleaning machine, milling machine brush Electronics industry: absorbent sponge rollers, non-woven brush roller, grinding Goldfinger round, felt-type brush roller, roller brushes volcanic ash, stress brush, cleaning rod brush (test-tube brush) and other civilian Brush: bottle brush, glass cleaning brush, tube brush, pet brush, massage brush, barbecue pits Brush, Bath Brush, stainless steel hygiene brushes, í°, window sponge brush, shoe brush, , roller brush, wall brush, paint brush, car brush, snow brush......
  14. In cribbage-board piece below the setting that collective goes up greatly, SNDA can be achieved 52 Zhou Xin is tall no wonder also.
  15. Setting your copy of Symbian free allows you to install unsigned programs, make backups of all sorts of things without having to use the piece of Windows-only bloatware called PC Suite, customise menus and icons, switch off that annoying camera shutter sound, and much more.
    设置复制的Symbian免费让您可以安装未签名的程序,进行备份的各种事情,而不需要使用一块只能在Windows bloatware所谓的PC套件,定制的菜单和图标,关掉这恼人的快门声,和很多更多。
  16. You have also known, I have been setting about handling this piece of thing right away, have doddered along, come over for 1 year from the last year, old the appearance hoping seem to fail to see, two time of visa failure can not speak to my strike not fighting.
  17. Having thus fed him with boil'd Meat and Broth, I was resolv'd to feast him the next Day with roasting a Piece of the Kid; this 1 did by hanging it before the Fire, in a String, as I had seen many People do in England, setting two Poles up, one on each side the Fire, and one cross on the Top, and tying the String to the Cross-stick, letting the Meat turn continually: This Friday admir'd very much; but when he came to taste the Flesh, he took so many ways to tell me how well he lik'd it, that I could not but understand him; and at last he told me he would never eat Man's Flesh any more, which I was very glad to hear.
  18. This process improves the appearance of a worsted fabric by removing fibrous material from the surface. a two-cylinder cutting machine is 英语翻译 in plate 51, whilst the principle of the action of the cutting parts is 英语翻译 in fig.43.the essential features arethe cutting—mower, together withthe ledger—blade, both andbeing positioned in a 商务英语报告格式, andthe bed over over which the cloth passes. there are also drawing rollers to pull the piece through the machine, a setting—up roller and several guides and tension meshanisms. the flocks shorn from the cloth are removed by a suction device.
  19. Except for the obvious pump problems (such as make sure that the pump can feed water under the setting pressure); other problems also will affect the work piece precision.
  20. Evaluation on the Proposal of Setting up A Large-piece Rough Processing Workshop in the Hangzhou Steam Turbine Works

setting piece 单语例句

  1. The piece is filled with passionate and exuberant dancing with stirring music setting the scene.
  2. The media choose to print or broadcast a piece of news according to news value and their " agenda setting " guarantees the public's right to know.

setting piece

setting piece


bit: 侧重指微小,一点点,小碎片。
scrap: 侧重指废弃的零碎之物。
slice: 多指切得很薄的一片食物。
fragment: 指破裂的,不完整的,不可完整的碎片。
sheet: 侧重指平整很薄的一张或一片。
piece: 最普通用词,多指从整体上分割下来的东西,可大可小。

share: 指共有的东西中应占有的一部分。
fraction: 指包含在全体中的一部分,暗示微不足道的一部分。
division: 通常指按类划分或分割成而的部分。常含抽象意义。
segment: 指某物的特定部分或自然形成的部分,也指线形物品的一段。
part: 含义广,最普通用词。常指整体中可大可小的一部分,也可指整体中可分开的独立部分。
fragment: 指因破裂、分割等产生的支离破碎、不规则的一部分。
section: 指整体中的分区,部分与部分之间有显著界限。
piece: 指整体中的一些个体,尤指从某个整体上分出来的一部分。
portion: 侧重从整体中所分配到的那一部分,含一定的独立意义。

setting: 一般特指戏剧或小说所写的环境或场所。
site: 指或大或小的地方,既可指供专门用途或特定活动的地点,又可指某一事件的地址。
position: 多指物体相对于其他物体所处的位置或状态。
location: 指某物设置的方向或地点。
scene: 常指真实事件或虚构故事发生的地点。
locality: 指某物所处的客观位置和周围地区。
place: 含义广泛,最普通用词,既可指很小的地点,又可指很大很远的地方或场所。
situation: 指物体在其周围环境中所处的位置或状态,侧重地点或场所的环境特征。
spot: 指相对较小的特定地点或事物所在地。

region: 地区
setting: 场所,背景,环境
realm: 王国,领域