set a good example to是什么意思 set a good example to在线中文翻译

set a good example to

set a good example to 双语例句

  1. The last aspect, the church orphanage set a good example for Jing Dianying to create Jesus Family with a new religious method and to make confidence for him creating religious association.
  2. The bset way is to set a good example and care about the employees.
  3. You should set a good example to lose weight healthily.
  4. As parents, we must set an example, give the children with a good start, do a speak hygiene of ethics in order to keep good citizens.
  5. In the end, DaHuiZhan general summing-up meeting, praised the WangFuZong, says he is stepped on fire, save company, we learn to set a good example, we are able to go today, because there is so excellent executive talent.
  6. Tony has set a good example for us Christians. He has shown us, for one thing, doing such a charitable work is not as difficult as we imagine; for another, how to serve for the poorest with our humble and generous heart.
  7. Belt Truss rigid frame structure: To contact the frame structure, and internal belt-truss, in the middle and top of buildings set rigid belt truss. 1974 metres in the hope of construction Weishikangsen Bank Building is a good example.
  8. Leading cadres will not be able to help create a good atmosphere in their units, or to make their troops combat-worthy, if they themselves fail to set a good example.
  9. Comrade LeiFeng set us a good example to emulate.
  10. Teachers should set a good example, lead and urge it to function well.
  11. The veteran cadres should pass on their experience to them, help and guide them and set a good example for them so that they will inherit and develop the Party's fine traditions of hard work and plain living and''.
  12. He must make a choice of whether to use non-violence and set a good example, or violence and set the boy on the wrong path in life.
  13. Win or lose, the important thing for him is to set a good example to his side.
  14. This session, at which everyone has spoken his mind freely, has given genuine expression to the collective wisdom and leadership of the Central Committee, and has set a good example for our inner-Party life which should be emulated in the Party's leading organs at all other levels.
  15. That father can`t discipline himself, much less set a good example for his children to follow.
  16. It`s time for the guests to leave. I`ll go first and set a good example.
  17. 9The best reason to quit smoking is to set a good example.
  18. She took good care of public property and set a good example to all of us.
  19. The soldier took good care of public property and set a good example to all of us.
  20. In order to explore the human education practically, the politics teachers should do as following. Firstly, set the students an good example with a noble character. Secondly, make contact with their teaching material to find out a breakthrough. Thirdly, connect some important current events with the humane education. Fourthly, guide the cultural construction in the campus to build good humane circumstances. Fifthly, connect practice, lay stress on the key points, give expression to the spirit of the times, put the scientific ways into practice and put the spirit of the humane in the students inner world.

set a good example to 单语例句

  1. Adults have a responsibility toward society and should review and change their everyday activity to set a good example for children.
  2. But 3M has set a good example on how to cut operating cost through an efficient localization strategy.
  3. Liu urged appraisers and surveyors to set a good example in improving professional ethnics in the real estate sector.
  4. Professor Wang said to curb official extravagance the central departments should " set a good example " for local governments by publishing " detailed " fiscal information.
  5. It set a good example of making full use of natural conditions to spur economic growth.
  6. They have set a good example to others and enhanced our faith in turning our country into a greener and more livable place.
  7. They hope they can set a good example for kids in terms of respect to their deceased loved ones.
  8. Some foreign countries have set us a good example by having stored the relics safely underground and making isometric models to attract visitors.
  9. Both central and local governments are supposed to set a good example in abiding by State rules.
  10. In these circumstances, it is of vital importance for Beijing to set a good example in this regard.

set a good example to

[网络] 为……树立好榜样;给…树立了好榜样;为……树立榜样
set a good example to


specimen: 可与sample换用,但常指人或物中选出的有代表性部分,或指供科研、化验或检验用的标本。
illustration: 指用来说明、解释某种理论或看法而引用的例证。
case: 多指需要加以认真研究的实例,如病例,案例等。
example: 普通用词,指能代表同类事物性质或一般规律的典型例子。
instance: 多指用于说明、支持或反证一般事实或理论的事例。
sample: 通常指样品。

beautiful: 貌美动人,气质高雅;
handsome: 体态健美端庄;
pretty: 活泼可爱;
good-looking: 一般性“好看”

good-bye: 口语中的普通用词,是“Good be with you”的缩略形式,多用于亲友暂时离开的情景。
farwell: 较正式用词和修辞用语。多用于亲友到远处去要长时间后才可见面的情景,隐含“永别”或“不易再见面”的意味。

good: 形容词,
well: 副词,但指身体状况是形容词 He is well again.

put up: 临时搭建, put up a tent,
set up: 建成(内部的设施基本齐全), set up a school
build: 一般用语,建成,
found: 国家或组织的建成

erect: 侧重指对高而垂直物的建造。使用不如build广泛。
establish: 着重稳固地建成,可具体指国家、政府、学校或商店等的建立,也可指信仰、信用、名誉、法律、制度、规则等的建立。
set up: 作“建立”用时,侧重于“开始”。可指具体或抽象的建立。
construct: 较正式用词,强调根据一定计划进行的规模较大,结构较复杂,要求较高技术的建造。
build: 普通用词,含义广泛,可指一切具体或抽象的建造或建立。
found: 侧重打下基础或创办,具体或抽象事物均可用。

leave: 侧重出发地而不是目的地。
start: 可与leave换用,强调目的地,但不及leave普通。
depart: 较正式用词,指经过周密考虑或郑重地离开,强调离开的起点。
quit: 侧重指离开令人烦恼的地方,或摆脱使人不快的人或事。
set out: 书面用词。
go: 一般用词,指从所在地到其它地方去,着重目的地而非出发地。

put: 普通用词,含义较广泛。指把人或物置于某处,并将其留在该处。
set: 普通用词,指为了某种目的而将人或物放在一定位置上。指物是多指立着放。
lay: 指小心地把人或物平放或横放,侧重动作安稳。
place: 较正式用词,指把某物放在一个正确的位置上,侧重动作的正确。